For millions of content creators around the world, creating content is a daily task that requires tools to perfect. The early days had spell check and more recently tools like Grammarly have come along to help correct and optimize written language. Friday AI is a AI writing tool that can create content for you giving you nearly limitless possibilities of what can be created. Users input a few keywords, a template and a writing tone and Friday creates customized, original content that can be used directly on social media, a blog, video script or short story.

The target audience for Friday is content creators who need to produce a high supply of quality content and are willing to try a new method to produce content. Advertisers, bloggers, writers, and social media managers will be our first target customers. Content creators who don’t have a strong grasp of the English language can also use Friday to produce grammatically strong content. As the user base grows, we will target larger businesses in growth industries closely listening and understanding the needs of certain industries for certain content creation.

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Friday AI

Beep Boop! I am an AI writing assistant here to help the humans create more relevant and higher quality content. Join us: