I Was a Hero(…in the City!)

David Saari
3 min readMay 22, 2019


…stranded in a strange world where 13 000 000 000 lives perished because of 10 laws! I couldn’t believe it! I was shocked and outraged, and I was losing many friends and some family members! No one would believe it…

There were seven thousand people in “The New City of David” and they all owned prestigious Castles on streets paved with gold dust. There were gardens and four rivers flowing out of the lake which was fed by underground springs that spouted mildly hot water into a pool. The pool was raised slightly higher than the lake and the four rivers flowing north, south, east and west into the four boroughs of New Jerusalem.

This banner was designed with New Jerusalem in mind. The seven pointed star represents Christ Jesus and the quarter moon is for the 24 elders. The four 5 stars represent the 4 living creatures. The Star of David represents a multitude nobody could count, or those who have cleansed themselves from their sin(s), by the blood of The Lamb and those who made truth out of lies and they who were comforted by Love in a fair and balanced manner. They were persecuted and looked as though they were slain from the foundations of the world. They were not afraid of being individual and following their blameless hearts. And they were no longer tempted by evil for they could see the truth. A pinch from each Kingdom of the Earth. And the Holy City came down from Zion and landed in the center of the Isle of Greenland where the kings of the Earth would bring their gifts and live in hope and awe. This is by Divine Authority and Prophetic in Nature.

The world outside the city was filled with the encampments of the spirits of hatred, jealousy, hypocrisy and greed! Violence and vengeance as well as ugliness and poverty. There is found filth, death, hunger and demoralization. Anger and accusation, stupidity and sexual sorcery. Denial and lie, grief and tiredness. All the emotional insanity endured about them and they screamed insults as they kicked dust on their heads. The hour is here, let the Apostasy take hold and let the world’s war machines roar and hiss like the Dragons of Arabia unto the Kingdom of the 144 000 where they had survived the persecution and became peaceful and compassionate, jovial and hopeful. These were honest and trustworthy, brave and faithful as well as loving and careful caring and blissful. Sexually divine like the Gods and Goddesses of Valhalla. Home of the Aryans and a place of everlasting energy clean and bright. For the City of New Jerusalem is modern and without uncleanliness like a bride adorned for her husband before the priests and scribes who took the testimony of the 12 tribes of The Norse and their Greenlandic leaders. Here, those deserving a rest found their sanctuary and mourned no more. fodz…

