Jeremiah Lewis
1 min readJan 12, 2017


Yes, check Hush out. It’s a great movie!

I think your overall data run is valid and super fascinating, but I would argue that you might have more critical analysis success gauging the individual movie on its overall concept, and then checking for variables that might not lend themselves so well to data gathering, or at least, would require a bit more up-front work to do.

For instance, Ex Machina is a great example of a movie that has a very important female character, and even though she’s not the lead, and does not have most of the screen time or dialogue, she not only carries the movie, she’s, in fact, indispensable to the plot, and she’s the motivating “agent of change” for the main character. We can talk about whether that demonstrates “empowerment” or if she’s still being shunted to the side by the male patriarchy (there are two male characters and the story is told mostly from the Domhnall Gleeson perspective).

I look at it from a concept perspective, rather than an individual characteristic (amount of dialogue, screen time, whether they pass the Bechdel test, et al). Concept is much more overarching and comprehensive, though possibly less data-oriented or algorithm-friendly means of judging.

I don’t think I’m being very clear, but I’d be interested in seeing what other metrics there might be for this kind of test.

Thanks for publishing this piece!

