#NoFilterFeb — www.nofilterfeb.com — a challenge to go one month without filters on Instagram.

What is #NoFilterFeb?

Making things look effortless takes effort.

Fritha Hookway
2 min readJan 25, 2016


It’s easy to forget sometimes that social media is a collection of hand picked moments. What we see isn’t always the full picture, and it shouldn’t be a benchmark we set for our own lives.

#NoFilterFeb is a challenge to detox your Instagram of all the filters that have become a default go to.

By dedicating a whole month to being filter free we’re hoping to bring a bit of perspective back into news feeds and use it as a reminder that the world doesn’t always need a touch up.

Why do it?

Because when you really look at it, what’s going on online is kind of scary.

The influence of social media is colossal and its core user base are going through some of the most impressionable years of their lives.

While black and white may look sleeker and a sunset is more eye catching in Low Fi, every time we tweak a photo we are further perpetuating the issue we know exists: what we see on social media isn’t always real life.

Going filter free is a small step but it’s an important way to get people thinking. Ultimately social media isn’t going away. More kids are going to grow up with it as a key influence and the potential impact it can have on development, identity and mental well being is something we can’t ignore.

How to go no filter?

It’s simple. Do nothing. That’s the whole point.

This isn’t about turning your back on social media or reining in how much you post. It’s just about dropping the filters — a nod to re-establishing a sense of what’s real out there.

Start by posting your #NoFilterFeb ‘Ø’ to let everyone know you’re going filter free and tag three friends to go no filter with you.

Then, with every #NoFilterFeb ‘gram you post throughout February you’re helping tell it like it is and bringing a bit more realness back into news feeds.

#NoFilterFeb ‘Ø’

