Frog Wif Hat $FWH (previously FWIF) Community Rises From the Ashes with New Community Takeover Token on the BASE Chain

Frog Wif Hat
3 min readJun 13, 2024


Today marks a new chapter for the Frog Wif Hat (FWIF) community. Following a disheartening theft of millions of dollars by the previous team, a dedicated group of community members has stepped forward to revive the beloved meme coin. This revival comes in the form of a brand new token — Frog Wif Hat (FWH).

A Community Uprising

The original FWIF project was tragically marred by a large-scale exploit, where the former team absconded with a staggering $880,000 in a single day, plus a slow rug of many more thousands. This act of betrayal left the community devastated and the future of FWIF uncertain. However, from the ashes of this disappointment rose a powerful sense of unity and determination. A group of passionate community members banded together, refusing to let the dream of FWIF die.

A New Dawn: FWH on the BASE Chain

The new FWH token is built on the BASE chain, a revolutionary new blockchain developed by Coinbase. The BASE chain boasts several key advantages over the Ethereum (ETH) network previously used by FWIF.

  • Lower Fees: Transaction fees on the BASE chain are significantly lower than those on ETH. This makes FWH more accessible to a wider audience and allows for smoother and more cost-effective trading.
  • Faster Transactions: The BASE chain offers blazing-fast transaction speeds, eliminating the frustrating delays that often plagued the original FWIF on ETH.
  • Explosive Growth: The BASE chain is experiencing a period of explosive growth, attracting a surge of new users and projects to its ecosystem. FWH is positioned to capitalize on this momentum and reach a whole new level of success.

More Than Just a Token: A Community Takeover

FWH is more than just a new token; it represents a community takeover. The community behind FWH is committed to rebuilding trust and reigniting the passion that fueled the original FWIF project. Their focus lies in:

  • Community Growth: Fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment that empowers community members to participate in the project’s development.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Maintaining complete transparency with the community through regular updates and open communication.
  • Utility and Functionality: Developing real-world use cases for FWH that extend beyond its value as a meme coin.

The Future of FWH

The future of FWH is bright. With a strong community backing, a robust blockchain platform, and a dedicated focus on community values, FWH is poised for remarkable growth.

Join the FWH Movement

The FWH community welcomes all those who believe in the power of community-driven projects. Stay tuned for further announcements regarding tokenomics, launch details, and exciting developments to come. Together, we can make FWH a true success story.


This press release is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.

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