Blockchain Workshop — Friday Aug 4, 2017

Ken Fromm
2 min readJul 26, 2017


REGISTER HERE: Bockchain Workshop

A one-day Blockchain Workshop will be held on Friday, August 4, 2017 at Draper University in San Mateo, CA. I am helping to co-produce this event and would love it if you could help pass the word.

This workshop is a great event for anyone looking to learn about the world of Blockchain and get hands-on experience at a code level. This workshop will provide actionable materials on Blockchain development starting from the basics of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and platforms and concluding with entry-level coding activities to build smart contracts and access blockchain transactions.

This event is part of Fintech Week Silicon Valley which is a week-long event that featuring a one-day blockchain conference as well as a weekend blockchain hackathon.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Draper University, San Mateo


Blockchain Platforms
The technology has been around for a long time but its only recently been applied in combination to provide more secure decentralized system of record that could be applied to revolutionize many different industries. We will be discussing the basics of blockchain and focus on some specific prominent organizations to highlight features, differences and important information of this relative new and existing technology. We will also be discussing some communities, projects and highlighting some interesting use cases and how the technology can be applied in the industry.

Instructor: Mike Myburgh Principal Consultant at TIBCO

Ethereum Stack
Welcome to the workshop on Ethereum stack/ During the workshop, you will learn the fundamental principles and techniques that can be applied to design and develop decentralized applications. We will cover basics of Ethereum platform, components, and concepts of transactions, mining, gas and shared computations. The workshop will include hands-on exercises in a browser.

Instructor: Igor Barinov Co-Founder of Block Notary, Inc.

Blockchain Legal Issues
Navigating the unchartered arena of Blockchain can be difficult and potentially consequential for early Blockchain pioneers and entrepreneurs. In this non-technical section we will discuss legal issue facing Blockchain technologies and community.

Instructor — Ryan Straus Legal Counsel at Fenwick & West, LLP

Smart Contract Intro & Lab
Introduction — Overview of smart contract concepts (gas, transactions, functions, variables, data types)40 mins — Hands-on tutorial to implement the DMV on a smart contract

Lab — Advanced smart contract concepts (deployment, contract calls, modifiers, tokens) and hands-on tutorial to deploy and interact with a token contract.

Instructor: Ameen Soleimani Founder of Moloch Ventures

9am-10am Blockchain Platforms
10:15am — 11:45am Ethereum Stack
11:45–1pm Lunch and Learn
1pm — 2pm Smart Contract Intro
2pm- 3pm Smart Contract Lab
3:30–4pm Discussion

For registration and full event information, please visit:



Ken Fromm

3x tech co-founder — Vivid Studios (resounding success), Loomia (not so much), and (started a revolution). Tech evangelist. Serverless and blockchain.