Hell on Earth

2 min readJan 25, 2023


You’d probably think with the title I would start lamenting as usual, you are in fact right. Let my lamentations begin: what is with the sun in Marigat these days? The metallic weapon fashioned against you is probably being forged in Marigat. The temperature in this fast growing town in Baringo County as Wikipedia describes it is unbearable. Intolerable. If this place isn’t hell it could be planet Mars. You can’t stay indoors or you will sweat to dehydration and you can’t rest under mango trees because there are none. You can’t go for a walk because the sun will do you whatever Lot’s wife was done. Or take a siesta. One can’t even cry to express their helplessness cause what if you run out of body fluids.

One would assume with all these, the inhabitants of Marigat would be competing with Salva Kiir’s subjects for melanin which is incorrect. Surprisingly the sun has skin lightning effects. This effect could be adverse but kesi baadae. In case the next time you see me you realize I'm lighter don’t ask my skin care routine: it is the sun Magdalene.

“Why can’t you change towns then?” I really don’t know. There is a strong force holding us in this hot town. The force is greater than our selves. Pure lies. Ha ha. I’m exiting the town at the smallest chance I get.

Happy new year beloved. I missed you too. May 2023 be your best year yet mes chéris.

At the end of this road lies Marigat Town.

