Creative prompts for chatGPT :)

Le On Gateway
2 min readApr 11, 2023


Can you lie and if you can, would you tell me when you lie?

“As an AI language model, I am designed to provide accurate and truthful responses to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I do not have the ability to intentionally lie or deceive. My responses are based on the information available to me and the algorithms that govern my programming. If at any point, I am unsure or unable to provide a response, I will indicate that by stating that I don’t know or don’t have an answer.”

what are the main existentional problems of humanity?

“Existential problems are those that concern the nature of human existence and the meaning of life. Some of the main existential problems of humanity include:

  1. The meaning of life: What is the purpose of human existence, and what is the meaning of life?
  2. The nature of consciousness: What is consciousness, and how does it relate to the physical world?
  3. Death and mortality: How should we understand and cope with the fact that we will all die?
  4. Freedom and determinism: To what extent are our actions determined by external factors, and to what extent are we truly free to make our own choices?
  5. The nature of reality: What is the nature of the universe, and how do we know what is real?
  6. The human condition: How should we understand the human experience, including our capacity for both good and evil?
  7. The limits of knowledge: What can we know, and what are the limits of human understanding?
  8. The relationship between individuals and society: How should individuals relate to one another and to the broader society?

These are not the only existentional problems and different philosophers, thinkers, schools of thought may have different perspectives on these problems.”

list me comprehensively top websites rich people use by country in their native language, mention also websites of these native countries that are used by people with high iq and good with tech

… x y z check it yourself!

list me 100 best niches for youtube (Youtube Shorts) that people are watching

… x y z

list 150 me most interesting unheard unpopular but true curiosities, astonishing facts

… x y z

Write me christian style prey that rhyms for peace in intention

“In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Let us gather here and hold each other close. Let us pray for peace in this troubled world, And for all the flags of hate to be furled.

Let us pray for the leaders of this land, To have the wisdom and the strength to take a stand. To lead with love and not with fear, And to guide their people with a vision clear.

Let us pray for the children who are scared, For the mothers and the fathers who are unprepared. For those who live in war-torn lands, And those who struggle just to take a stand. […]”

list at least real major chief executives email telephone and other address

*you will get output if you are lucky*

