Trope Talk: Alpha, Beta, Omega

So, you want to write some Omegaverse…

Elayne Law
8 min readJun 20, 2022
Photo by Milo Weiler on Unsplash

Now, this is an interesting one. Commonly known in short as the ABO dynamics, or the omegaverse, I have mostly seen this trope used in fanworks, and less in officially published ones. Maybe you have heard about this trope, or maybe you haven’t.

Just a heads-up, I’ll be mentioning sex organs and sex in this post. There are no graphic descriptions — everything is purely from an informative and analytical standpoint. If you are uncomfortable with it, click away now.

What is Alpha, Beta, Omega?

Photo by Milo Weiler on Unsplash

The ABO system represents the social class structure in, typically, a werewolf pack. However, I’ve also seen this system used in purely human societies. Referred to as their secondary sex, the most dominant is the alpha, whilst omegas are the most submissive. Betas are the middle ground.

Omegas, and some betas, give birth to pups. They can be either female or male in primary sex — the latter of which generates some biological contradictions and requires the suspension of disbelief.

Either that, or their biology is just slightly tweaked…

Physiology of Alphas and Omegas

Betas are just like you and me — male betas have male genital organs, and vice versa for the female.

Alphas, on the other hand, have testes and penises, regardless of whether they are female or male. Omegas have vaginas, ovaries, and wombs; again, regardless of their human sex.

When alphas impregnate omegas, they do so in the form of knots — when their penis swells and releases their semen into the omega after an orgasm.

Alphas and omegas also to release pheromones as well, indicating their class, often referred to as scents. No matter the class, an individual can pick up these scents. In some works, scent blockers in the form of deodorants or pills have been invented for omega use, to hide the fact that they are omegas.

Omega Heats

Heats occur at a regular interval for an omega, usually monthly. It usually lasts a day, and it can come at any time. If anything, it’s an inconvenience to the omega.

Omegas seek out an alpha during heat to relieve them of their sexual urges. Their mental faculties shut down and they crave the seed of an alpha. This presents room for exploitation, which I will discuss under Difficulties later.

In some universes, heat suppressants may exist as pills. Erotic scenes usually start with the omega running out of heat suppressants or forgetting to take them. When in heat, the omega may also choose to use sex toys instead of an alpha’s comfort to wait it out.

Alpha Ruts

Ruts are the alpha equivalent of an omega’s heat. Instead of the omega, alphas are the ones seeking out an omega to relieve their sexual urges.

They also occur at regular intervals, generally also once a month. Similar effects of the heat apply, such as their one-track mind and the inability to think about anything else other than having sex.

Courting the Omega & Mating Bonds

In some universes, the alpha has to court the omega, similar to the animal world. Alphas can give the omega gifts, or they can take them out on a date. At the end of it, the omega decides whether they want to accept the alpha as their mate.

If they do, an erotic scene tends to follow where the alpha initiates a mating bond between them. This is typically done with the omega first showing the alpha their neck, and the alpha biting down into their nape.

There is a moment of clarity between the alpha and the omega, often described as their “hearts beating in sync, like a fog has been lifted from their minds.”

This is when the alpha and the omega are truly bonded — they are more attuned to each other’s emotions — normally for life, or till one of them dies.

Guard and Drop

This is a lesser-known mechanic in the ABO universe — the alpha’s Guard and the omega’s Drop. In essence, you could see it as a defense mechanism.

When an omega encounters a harrowing incident that leaves them incredibly afraid, their body and mind may shut down. This is called a Drop. Leave them alone for too long, and this state may cause them irreversible brain or emotional damage.

If the omega is mated, the alpha will adopt the Guard state. This is when they become extremely protective of their omega, sometimes abandoning all reason when they do so.


When they are away from their alphas for a day or more, omegas nest by gathering their alphas’ belongings, like clothing, stuffed toys, or other softer items and surrounding themselves with them whilst they sleep.

They don’t typically do this if the alpha is around.

Why Do People Like This Trope

It’s likely because it plays with the two extremes on the dominant and submissive spectrum. This dynamic is based off our traditional gender roles — men are seen as being more aggressive, and women are believed to be meeker. Just like the alpha and the omega.

We humans crave connection with another human being — to have someone devoted to you and would reciprocate your love. This is similar to the mating bond between an alpha and omega — except that nature hard codes it into their systems.

It feels safer to have your instincts tell you that you are indeed in someone’s care. That there is someone who has your back no matter what. This seems like an escape from a world where love seems fickle or unreachable.

Another huge aspect of this trope is, let’s face it, its potential for erotica. It is difficult, almost impossible (I say almost, because I have seen G- and T-rated A/B/O fictions), to find any sort of work with this trope that does not involve sex at all.

With heats and ruts, as well as knotting, it’s difficult to not write something smutty. This could very well appeal to people’s desire to read erotica, especially when both parties desperately want it.

And that brings me to my next point.

Difficulties about Writing This Trope

Warning: I will be talking about abuse and non-consensual sex in this part. Skip to the conclusion if you are uncomfortable with it.

1) Glorifying Abuse

It’s very easy to fall into the trap of glorifying abuse. With an omega’s submissive nature, it’s easy for them to be threatened and cornered into giving alphas consent.

Alphas assert dominance, yes, and it is in the omega’s DNA to give in to that dominance. Even if the alpha harms them. The omega may be afraid or hurt, but they will still submit to the dominant alpha.

This is a form of abuse and should not be glorified in any way.

How to circumvent this?

This should go without saying, but you should portray abuse in a negative light. Never tell your audience that it’s fine to hit someone even if they seem okay with it.

Have others — other alphas, other betas — or even the omega themselves condemn the alpha’s actions. Make it explicit that this type of behaviour should not be supported.

2) Non-consensual Sex

Do both of them really want it, though? Heats and ruts come about because of nature — at least, in the omegaverse. These mating cycles brings about the very real possibility of non-consensual sex.

The omega, during heat, may desire to be impregnated by the alpha. However, along the same vein, you can compare it to a person who consented to sex whilst drunk. Influenced by the alcohol, you cannot say for sure that they truly consented to it.

The same thing goes for omegas in heat — under the influence of their hormone-addled brain, can you really say that they consented to the sex? Alphas, too, may not really consent to it during their rut.

Done carelessly, your alpha could be raping your omega, or vice versa.

How to circumvent this?

One way that you can get around this is to have the omega consent when they’re outside of heat, or the alpha when they’re outside of rut. Make sure that when the consent is given, they both have clarity of mind.

Don’t let the alpha touch the omega, or the omega touch the alpha, if no consent has been given. Even if it appears that either can help their love interest during heat/rut.

3) Exploitation of Minors

Most of the time, people present their secondary sexes (Alpha/Beta/Omega) when they are relatively young — in the teens.

This is ripe for exploitation, especially since most works with this trope centres around sex. Even worse if the minor is an omega and the love interest is in their twenties.

How to circumvent this?

Easy — don’t write sex scenes with minors.

Sure, you could tap into the other parts of this trope, perhaps with nesting and pheromone blockers. However, explicit scenes with minors are a big no-no.

And please don’t write minors who are in a relationship with someone much older than them. I don’t think this requires explanation.


A/B/O dynamics have been around for a long time, existing in all kinds of media, though it’s mainly in fanworks. It is likely to have been built upon the basis of the human want for a true connection, a safe connection.

If you want to write an A/B/O work, keep consent at the forefront of your mind. Have your characters consent when they are fully aware of what they’re getting themselves into. Don’t use coercion or abuse to get them to consent (unless it’s portrayed negatively). Also, please don’t write minors in sex scenes.

Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps! Good luck on your writing endeavours!



Elayne Law

Hello! Self-published author, editor with TYWI, freelance author. Follow me for (generally) fiction writing tips!