Where to get fashion inspiration

Philomena Wachira
10 min readDec 15, 2022



Fashion is changing just like breathing and living. Although some things may seem outdated or out of style, fashion trends are prone to change.
Hollywood is not an exception to that because celebrities are the apple of the eye. These celebrities are always looking for ways to look their best and be updated. If you are interested in being a celebrity copycat, then you can look up to these stars as your fashion inspiration.
You may also be one of those women or men who want to look like the most appealing and stunning stars. The good news is that there are many tricks and tips that can help you in keeping up with the latest fashion trends among celebrities.

At the present time, there is the internet where you can get the latest fashion tips or trends. This mainly allows you to see bigger pictures of celebrities. Gossip websites are also excellent places where you can get good updates on the fashion world.
Once you have seen what these celebrities wear, you can just copy their accessories and hair for you to have that updated celebrity fashion look. You can start by recreating your best look with the hair and clothing of the celebrity. Apart from that, you can even imitate your favorite celebrity and achieve the same look.

  1. Dressing like a Star Basics

Celebrities always look so amazing and beautiful as they parade in their gowns and dress down the red carpet. They are also seen wearing their high-couture frock along with their make-up. They are hair-styled and dressed up by professionals in such a way that makes them more appealing and gorgeous.

Below are a few of the basics to consider while dressing like a star:
A. Follow the Latest Trends
One of the most important basics to consider while dressing like a star is to follow the most-updated trends. You also need to pay attention to which locations have your style at a reasonable price.

There are fashion magazines that can help you to keep in touch with the fashion frenzy and the fast-moving celebrity fashion world. There are many pictures that can allow you to choose the best dress that suits your preference and style.

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Along with keeping in touch with the latest trends, it is also essential to watch the clothes that they wear.
B. Not All Dresses that You See on Celebrities Look Perfect on You
It is important to know that not all dresses that you see on celebrities will also look perfect on you. Another basic to consider while dressing like a star is to dress for your age and body type. Although you think that something may not look perfect on you, you still have to give it a try. You may be surprised by it.

C. Old Celebrity Fashion Can Become New Again
One more thing to consider about the basics is that what seems old can become new again. This means that skirt you have now that is out of fashion may be trending again one day.

Also, going to resale shops and thrift stores can surprise you. They sometimes have wardrobes where you can find the most celebrity look-a-like dress. This is true also when searching for a pair of accessories.
It is best to visit one of these stores and determine if they sell “knock-offs”. By doing this you will be sure that you are getting the item that you are paying for.
D. Starting with the Greater Basics
Pay attention to the greater basics. This means that you need to start from your undergarments and then outward. One of the secrets is wearing the wrong underwear destroys an excellent outfit. No matter how great your copycat celebrity outfit is, it may not look good in the end.
There are quality garments that will serve as a good foundation for your own wardrobe. Mix them up and match them and keep classic pieces that do not go out of style.
You need to remember that an excellent wardrobe begins with the basics.

E. Look for a Perfect Pair of “Shades”
Walking the streets or strolling along the avenue will be great when you have a perfect pair of shades. And why not try on that big hat for that more celebrity copycat look? Get colors and styles that best match your wardrobe.
F. Search for Celebrity Dresses that are on Sale
Search for celebrity dresses on sale. This is a part of the basics that you need to keep in mind. However, it is not suggested that you purchase a complete ensemble.
It is good to list down all the separate pieces and search for them one by one. As you continue to search for them, keep a watchful eye out for those that are on sale.

2. Get Inspiration from a Celebrity Most Shaped Like You

Finding a celebrity that has the same body type is a must. It really helps you in figuring out the clothes that look best on your body. Another good idea is to search for a celebrity that has the same personal style as you.

Here are a few of the popular celebrity fashion muses from which you can choose the one most shaped like you:
Lauren Conrad

source: flipboard.com

Lauren Conrad is popular and her style is mainstream and cute. She has a sexy body and she wears high heels and leggings everywhere.

Jennifer Hudson

source: hawtcelebs.com

Naturally gorgeous, Jennifer Hudson dresses her body type perfectly and has an excellent eye for fashion. She has a curvy figure and she is not a slave to all the trends that come up in the fashion industry.
Truly, you can be like her who is a perfect example of a woman that makes fashion look good.
Eva Longoria

source: hawtcelebs.com

Eva Longoria may have a body shape that looks like yours. If you are tan, petite, and have a sexy but classy sense of style, then you can get inspiration from her. She always wears high heels, cute dresses, designer sunglasses, and expensive bags.

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Jessica Simpson

source: hawtcelebs.com

If you have a sexy body but your style is casual, Jessica Simpson can be your fashion icon. She dresses in that trendy and spunky style that looks like a cowgirl. She is always in her high heels and cowboy boots and trendy pieces.

3. Use Celebrity Magazines

By using celebrity magazines, you can learn the following:
A. Choosing the Celebrity Clothes that Best Complement your Size, Height and Skin Color
By focusing your attention on celebrity magazines, you can learn about how to complement clothes for your height, size, and skin color. Other people make the mistake of wearing outfits of their favorite celebrities. They have no idea that these clothes do not suit them.

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B. Choosing the Ideal Celebrity that Serves as Your Fashion Muse
By using celebrity magazines, you can choose the ideal celebrity who you can turn to as your fashion muse. You can imitate their outfits that best highlight your bright features.
C. Not Going on For Too Much
It is important to remember to not go too far with things. It may be acceptable to go all out for certain occasions but when you wear too many accessories and dress out of place for a certain activity it looks tacky.
D. Knowing How to Mix Celebrity Clothes and Match Them
By using a celebrity magazine, you can learn how to mix celebrity clothes and match them. Apart from this, you will get helpful ideas for shopping (e.g. your favorite celebrity likes plain prints and neutral colors). Then, you can possibly match them with other clothes you have in your own closet.

E. Getting Ideas From Celebrities for Creating your Unique Style
Being a celebrity copycat or being exactly like your favorite celebrity is not wrong. Remember that you have the freedom to do so.
By using a celebrity magazine, you can get the best ideas for creating your own unique style.
Celebrity magazines can guide you in wearing the same pants, shoes, accessories, and shirts as celebrities. You can get some great hints that will help you a lot when it comes to looking just like your favorite star.
F. Looking Stylish While Dressing in Celebrity Clothes
The best thing about using celebrity magazines is that you are presented with many different ideas of how to look stylish while dressing in celebrity clothes.

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Always remember that looking stylish is not rocket science. You can deeply rely on the information presented in celebrity magazines. By doing this, you can achieve the same look and appearance as your favorite celebrity.

4. Use Accessories

Have you watched the Emmys, Grammy’s, and Oscars? You may have seen celebrities showing off their accessories. They always achieve that perfect look while stepping out of the center stage.
Why do you think celebrities look great?
Celebrities look great because they have designers that create and tailor their outfits to fit their gorgeous bodies. As well, jewelers make accessories that complement their outfits.
Once you have seen them wearing these accessories, you may also want the same pieces. You just need to purchase them at affordable prices. Hollywood’s accessory and jewelry trends are often considered to be understated pieces. You can search for these accessories at the nearest retail store.

Lindsay Lohan is one of the celebrities who started her own unique accessory trend by wearing leg jewelry.

source: Pinterest.com

Use Leg Jewelry as a Form of Accessories

Being a celebrity copycat also means using accessories used by famous celebrities. Leg jewelry is one of these accessories that is a part of the jewelry trend today. Many celebrities wear leg jewelry and show off their legs as excellent features.

Hollywood accessories tend to come and then go. Some of them are simply unique and stay for a particular period of time. One of these accessory trends is leg jewelry, they are available in mediums and have many different patterns. You can wear leg jewelry below your knee.

Of the many accessory trends, leg jewelry is truly one of the most thrilling and exciting accessories to wear. This can further accentuate your legs and make you look just like your favorite celebrity.

5. Finding a Cheaper Look-A-Like Outfit

Do you have any idea how Nicole, Kirsten Stewart, Lindsay Lohan, and Mary-Kate look good while running their errands? It is no accident. Celebrities carefully craft their appearance to maintain their good public image.
If you are captivated by the glamorous world of celebrities, then look no further because you can simply dress and look just like a celebrity. You just need to find a cheaper look-a-like outfit to achieve any of the looks of celebrities.

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Here are a few of the simple tips for finding a cheaper look-a-like outfit:
A. Going Shopping at Inexpensive Stores
Going shopping is necessary for buying a cheaper look-a-like outfit. It is only through shopping that you can purchase more full outfits and single pieces. A tank top, turtleneck, or jacket can simply be mixed up in with your wardrobe. This is better than buying a complete celebrity outfit.
Shopping at inexpensive stores is recommended for getting cheap clothes. It is also a good idea to search for a cheaper look-a-like outfit at vintage stores to find something trendy and big.

B. Searching on Reputable Websites
By searching on reputable websites, you will surely find a cheaper look-a-like outfit. You may possibly find a fancy and gorgeous pair of sunglasses that show your celebrity looks. Go glitzy. There are many diamonds, studs, and cool aviators. Apart from that, there are black and big white sunglasses that help you achieve that Mary-Kate Olsen look.
Once you have your celebrity sunglasses, you can start wearing them wherever you go. You may even start strolling down to the supermarket wearing them.
The good thing about these websites is that is free to choose big accessories and big scarves. They can hang around the waist, at the back, or even at the neck.

C. Online Fashion Retailers
By using online fashion retailers, you will increase your chances of finding a cheaper look-a-like outfit. They sell the most inspiring clothing. Actually, these online fashion retailers are considered to be“throwaway fashion stores”. This is due to the reason that they are where you will find the best for the cheapest. They have the best imitated and the most updated trends in outfits Just because it is older does not mean that it is useless. If you compare cheap look-a-like outfits from online retailers to the expensive stores on the street, their quality is just the same.
It is best to combine and match the designer pieces with the throwaway fashion pieces. Doing so helps you to get the best of both worlds. For instance, you can find an expensive piece of jewelry and match it with a celebrity-inspired dress so you can look sophisticated and glamorous. By means of changing and chopping your accessories, you can certainly transform your dress into many various outfits.

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Philomena Wachira

Success Is Not Final, Failure is Not Fatal: it is the Courage to Continue that Counts.