Three Former Plaintiffs Respond to the Institute in Basic Life Principles

Rachel Frost, MIOP, SHRM-CP
10 min readFeb 5, 2022

The following statement was posted on IBLP’s website January 29th, 2022. The personal joint response of three former plaintiffs, Rachel Frost, Charis Barker and Rachel Lees are interspersed within the sections below:

IBLP wrote: “Understanding we live in a world with 24-hour news and social media postings, we wanted to post a response IBLP made to recent inquiries from a reporter. We think it is important to post IBLP’s response so that when news articles come out, you will know what IBLP said. This is what IBLP sent to NBCNEWS:”

IBLP has made very few public statements since they fired/retired their founder, Bill Gothard, in 2014. They were defendants along with Gothard in a 4-year-long civil lawsuit and plaintiffs in a lawsuit Gothard filed against them for wrongful termination. They had their most famous ATI family in the news for continuous scandals and presently have several documentary teams investigating their inner workings. It’s about time we heard from them…

IBLP wrote: “Over the years, thousands of people have participated in the programs, seminars, and conferences sponsored by the Institute in Basic Life Principles, Inc. Life involves daily decisions and IBLP has taught and encouraged everyone to make wise choices based upon principles of life revealed in the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

FALSE. A majority of IBLP teachings have been exposed as personal interpretations, not based on Jesus’ example and, in our opinions, should not be self-categorized as “wise” by the institution that authored them. Theological clarification.

IBLP wrote: “IBLP has also published materials to help individuals and families in their personal and family lives as Christians. IBLP would never condone nor do we tolerate abuse of anyone.”

FALSE. Not only were physical and psychological abuse encouraged as child-training and counseling methods, Gothard and Staff were mandated reporters and they heard many accounts of abuse of minors which they did not report. In fact, they often shamed and silenced victims into obedience and submission to their abusers.

Example: Wisdom Booklet #28, page 1313, and Principles of Effective Counseling Workbook, page 19.

To further enforce this point, the following teaching was distributed as a handout to families at various seminars to suggest the “benefits” of sexual abuse:

Example: From the IBLP Publication, “Our Most Important Messages Grow Out of Our Greatest Weaknesses”:

IBLP wrote: “There is no teaching by IBLP that women are inferior to men because there is no such teaching in the Bible. From a Biblical perspective, all people are equal in value before God despite the fact that we are all different with varying gifts and talents, and may have different complementary roles.”

FALSE. How about their widely-shared umbrella illustration? Women can’t even get to Christ directly. The whole “principle of authority” places men as superior in almost every situation, and is purely a social construct.

TRUE. This teaching isn’t in the Bible.

Example: Basic Seminar, Authority Umbrella Diagram:

IBLP wrote: “The information IBLP has about those who participate in IBLP programs is limited and IBLP does not comment on the personal lives of its program participants.”

FALSE. Half-truths shouldn’t be stated as whole truths. IBLP may not know details on everyone who participates in their programs, but you can bet your jean jumper that they know about their “star” program participants, the Duggar Family. You know, the ones with 19 kids and counting who have reality shows about their personal lives, promote IBLP materials, speak at their family camps and headline their conferences? IBLP knows plenty about their founder too, even if they would like us to forget about him. Ignoring what they know doesn’t erase it, and they haven’t been too successful at pushing the stain of Bill Gothard under the rug. They were willing to call the cops on him for trespassing on IBLP property after they kicked him out of Big Sandy, Texas in 2018, which is a pretty significant commentary all by itself. It’s no wonder they want to separate themselves by claiming that their information is limited, since they didn’t stir themselves to call civil authorities even once when he was allegedly engaging in sexual misconduct with staff and minors for over four decades. That’s telling.

IBLP wrote: “Regarding IBLP’s 990s, they are open to the public as soon as the IRS makes them available.”

Great. Admittedly, we have skepticism based on our past with these requests, but we’ll believe this when it happens and no sooner. We’d also like to know more details about the anomaly in their 2014 Form 990 that shows IBLP spent $2 million on compensation to “disqualified persons” as reported by Shannon Cuthrell in her 1/8/22 Religion Unplugged article.

IBLP wrote: “IBLP’s income is from donations, conference fees, and from the occasional sale of unused capital assets such as real estate (other revenue).”

Oops. They forgot to mention the nice income they have received from all the “apprenticeship” students who *paid* to serve at IBLP headquarters and training centers around the world or who worked for free or for minimum wage for decades. Also, any quick perusal of their product site shows that IBLP is clearly still using Gothard’s material. We’re confused as to why that income isn’t mentioned here and because their actions are duplicitous. Inquiring minds want to know…Do they still profit from and promote Gothard’s teachings or do they disavow him?

IBLP wrote: “Program and conference fees are less than in the days of the large crowds who attended Basic Seminars around the country.”

TRUE. Of course they are. Everything has its heyday, and IBLP’s is past. Perhaps people are a little wiser these days to legalism, cult-like organizations and spiritual oppression? Noted is the humble-brag statement to remind us that they were once very, very profitable, and powerful in their sphere.

IBLP wrote: “IBLP has now made that teaching available for free online. IBLP’s goal continues to be providing opportunities and materials to help people learn more about Christ and the life He desires us to live.”

Hmm. That’s interesting. When Bill sued IBLP in 2019 attempting to get back into administrative power, he stated in the legal complaint that “The purpose of all the Institutes (including IBLP) and Embassy University was to foster and further William Gothard’s ministry”. No mention of Jesus. Just Bill. So IBLP’s goal “continues” from when? When Bill Gothard was at the helm for more than 40 years, it was apparently to foster and further his ministry. If they aren’t willing to clarify themselves, then their intent becomes necessarily circular, and points right back to Bill Gothard, the stain under their carpet.

IBLP wrote: “The different opportunities and resources available through IBLP are more fully explained at its website IBLP no longer has extended residential programs at training centers. Its programs are now limited to several days or weeks and are mostly conducted at the Big Sandy, TX campus.”

TRUE. All training centers were shut down for various reasons and with alleged stories of abuse, confinements and labor exploitations from students who served there. Check out the Recovering Grace website for some gut-wrenching personal accounts.

IBLP wrote: The lawsuit you mention was voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiffs during the discovery stage, specifically during the period when evidence was being exchanged between the parties.

Plaintiffs turned over everything, including their entire Facebook accounts as legally requested. IBLP, on the other hand, refused to produce most of what was legally requested, including the internal (sham) investigation done in 2014, claiming “attorney/client privilege.”

Also, don’t get bogged down on a purely legal term: the voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit had to do with a threatened countersuit and the high emotional toll and revictimization through the lawsuit process which was keenly felt. This caused key plaintiffs (ones still within the Statutes of Limitations) to drop out, affecting the case as a whole. “Voluntarily dismissed” is just legalese to differentiate from the many different ways a case can come to an end before a final verdict, and doesn’t mean any of us changed our story or felt less strongly about the need for accountability.

IBLP wrote: “Because of a protective and confidentiality order”

FALSE. There was not a protective or confidentiality order from the judge.

IBLP wrote: “IBLP cannot comment on the identity of the unnamed plaintiffs and has no comment with respect to the claims alleged.”

Of the 19 former plaintiffs, six were Jane/John Does, and 13 used real names in the filings. And it’s hardly our “identity” that genuinely concerned observers are looking for commentary on; it’s very much the “claims alleged.” Victims have been asking to be heard, believed and validated for nearly 40 years within IBLP, but “no comment” is still the best they can offer? At the January 2019 evidentiary hearing in Chicago, (IBLP President) directed his attorney, Mr. Dawidiuk, to come over to the plaintiff group (of 12+ witnesses) on his behalf and convey the message that “IBLP deeply regrets that you ladies had to be here today, and for what you have had to go through these last three years.” This was felt by many of us to be way too little, way too late. Furthermore, IBLP’s public statement refusing to comment now makes their quasi-apology in private look even more disingenuous.

IBLP wrote: “Social media and the internet (for which there is little or no accountability or in-person interaction) does not seem to be in harmony with the teachings Jesus gave for resolving offenses.”

Like Luke 12:2 reminds us, what is done in secret may be brought into the (very public) light. It’s unfortunate that IBLP refused accountability and the in-person interaction that was offered before litigation. The lack of accountability in IBLP was part of the very catalyst that drove survivors to find each other on social media and realize that we were not alone in our experiences. The victims of the 1980s IBLP Scandal were shamed and silenced with very few avenues to seek vindication. Social media and the internet has given a voice to the voiceless that IBLP had a hand in silencing. We have no regrets for pursuing justice in the hope of accountability and prevention of additional victims.

IBLP wrote: “Described in the procedures found in Matthew 18:15–17, we believe it is best for people to personally communicate their grievances directly so that resolution can be sought in a Christian way.”

IBLP is missing the whole spirit of Christlike care for the wounded and brokenhearted and is again reverting to legalistic rules of a perceived “Christian” procedure, which can be easily manipulated by those in power. Victims and various brave observers have tried to appeal “Biblically” to IBLP authorities many times over many years. It changed nothing because gaslighting is real and damage control is easy when done one-on-one and in spiritually abusive environments. However, we do agree that attention should be given to Matthew 18, specifically verse 6, “But if anyone abuses one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have a heavy boulder tied around his neck and be hurled into the deepest sea than to face the punishment he deserves.” IBLP is still interpreting Scripture as it benefits them, with no apparent regard for the “Christian way.”

IBLP wrote: “If someone disagrees with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that is their decision. But those who do believe in Jesus as Savior are also free to live according to the teachings of Jesus and to speak the truth in love.”

This is us speaking the truth in love:

IBLP, you have been given a “Gift of Opportunity” numerous times to do the right thing and you have sadly squandered it every time. Grace is a gift. A beautiful and unmerited gift. By its very nature, it changes us. However, IBLP has taught the gospel according to Gothard, not Jesus.

Jesus is the one who got angry at religious leaders adding legalistic burdens to his people. Jesus is the one who threatened bodily harm to those who do not protect children. And Jesus is the one who gives the gift of opportunity to grow and change course at any time in our lives. Many of us have found true grace and healing only after leaving IBLP teachings. Gifts of opportunity can be messy, complicated and even costly, but are always worth it and should never be wasted.

One isn’t truly free UNTIL THE TRUTH sets them free!

IBLP wrote: “Sincerely, IBLP Communications Department”

Post date: Saturday, January 29, 2022

Even more sincerely,

Rachel Frost, Charis Barker & Rachel Lees, former lawsuit plaintiffs.

Post date: Saturday, February 5, 2022



Rachel Frost, MIOP, SHRM-CP

Rachel Frost, SHRM-CP, lives south of the Twin Cities. She has a Master’s Degree in I-O Psychology, with a specialty in training and development.