My 10 Step Plan Of How To Find Your Birth Parents

If you follow along, this could change your life forever

Froyle Davies
6 min readFeb 29, 2020
Photo by Jannes Glas on Unsplash

I have always known that I was adopted and I never really wanted to find my birth parents. I knew enough, Pākehā mother, Māori father, it was the sixties, they had a fun-filled few months and I was the resulting inconvenience.

As an adopted child, I carried the feeling of rejection all my life, it played out as anger through my teenage years. I felt my birth parents had thrown me away and I certainly wasn’t going to give them the opportunity to reject me a second time, so I had no intention of initiating a search. But one day my friend Alison decided that it was time. She decided that I needed to find my heritage and to learn where I was from. I was 49 years old.

Starting the journey, I was sceptical. We didn’t really have much information to go on. However, it turned out to be a lot easier than I thought, but not exactly as I had hoped for. If you are going to head down this path, be prepared for anything that you might find and don’t expect it to turn out as romantic as the TV show. Here are the ten steps that I took to find my birth parents and it changed my life completely.



Froyle Davies

Art, Creativity, and Inspiration. Stories to encourage you. Visual artist and hostel manager, living in New Zealand.