Eyes on the Prize — two new ways to win with Froyo Games
Presenting the Gamebox Weekly Leaderboard
Bringing the world of arcade gaming to web3 has been one of the greatest challenges of the crypto revolution — and here at Froyo Games we have taken this challenge head-on with Froyo Gamebox. Today we’re excited to announce yet another milestone in the Gamebox journey, bringing you even more ways to win.
In the months our developers and testers spent building and testing Gamebox, the lessons we learned have been invaluable. This is why we have chosen to focus on giving players the best web3 arcade experience we can deliver.
Introducing, the Gamebox Weekly Leaderboard
Remember all the tickets you won on Gamebox from all the games you have been playing?
For the uninitated, Gamebox games can win you tickets which are then entered into a draw for a prize. In any Gamebox competition there is only one winner who is selected once a certain number of tickets have been won.
Before this, your tickets were only used for your prize draw. Now we’re introducing a whole new way to win — through the Gamebox Weekly Leaderboard.
The Gamebox Weekly Leaderboard keeps track of how many tickets are won. It doesn’t matter which game or which prize you are playing for, as long as you are winning tickets on Gamebox, the Weekly Leaderboard will keep track of your tickets, which could potentially put you in the running for not just one but two new ways to win!
Whether or not you win the original prize you were pursuing does not matter. If you won tickets on Gamebox, the WeeklyLeaderboard will be keeping track of it. Here’s how we decide who wins
PRIZE 1: Top 50 players
The top 50 players on the Weekly Leaderboard each week will receive a prize after the leaderboard resets. Players will be ranked by the total number of tickets that they have won on the platform for the week across all games played. This includes tickets won from the individual game leaderboards and from challenges added to individual games using Gems.
PRIZE 2: Lucky Draw
If you have won over 1,000 tickets in the same period (between Weekly gLeaderboard resets), you will also be entered into the Lucky Draw where five winners will be chosen at random to receive a bonus prize. Just like the above, this includes tickets won from the individual game leaderboards and from challenges added to individual games using Gems.
Focusing on the best web3 arcade experience
Froyo Games is no stranger to the ever-changing world of web3. As we navigate the rough seas of today’s crypto landscape, we are adjusting our sails to give us focus and clarity to be able to build a resilient and practical product for the world of blockchain gaming.
Our roadmap moving forward will be condensed to further aid in our delivery on this commitment. This includes a new Host-to-Earn expansion coming to Gamebox, paving the way forward for the expansion of the blockchain gaming ecosystem on Froyo Games and beyond.
You can view our updated roadmap on the Froyo Games Litepaper here.
This is Froyo Games — Metaverse Gaming by True Game Makers (🍦,👾)
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