How to migrate your Froyo Games account

OGs — it’s time to migrate to the new Froyo Games account system

Froyo Games
4 min readMar 28, 2023


Gm Froyo Fam. Our website has undergone a big upgrade to prepare for the exciting new features coming to Froyo Games in 2023. Those of you who have existing accounts will now have to migrate to our new system in order to continue using your Froyo Account and Gamebox.

The reason for this new account migration is because of our latest integration with Sequence to enable custodial crypto wallets on the Froyo Games platform. Now new users can hop onboard Froyo’s Gamefi platform with just a social account and have a wallet created for them.

Before you migrate your account

For you, our loyal Froyo Games OGs, here are some things you should know:

  1. You can only perform the account migration once, after which you will be migrated permanently to the new account system. There are no benefits for staying with the old account system.
  2. You should link the same wallet you linked to your original Froyo Games account to ensure a smooth migration.
  3. You will need to rebind your Claw Stars game to your new Froyo Games account if you have already done so before.
  4. If you claimed a Gamebox VIP pass with your wallet, you will need to connect the wallet with the VIP pass inside it to enjoy holder privileges.

How to migrate to the new account system

Step 1: Go to and click on the login button.

Step 2: You will now be prompted with our shiny new login screen. Here is where you can click on “Existing email account? Migrate now.”

Step 3: Enter your original Froyo account email address and password.

Step 4: You will be shown your current email address and the address of the wallet you have connected to your Froyo Games account (if you have connected one). If you want to view your full wallet address, click on the expand address button highlighted here:

Step 5: If you have already connected your wallet, you will need to connect it once again here to complete the migration. Click on “Migrate with Web3 Wallet”. You will then be prompted to connect your wallet (Metamask, WalletConnect, WalletLink etc.).

Step 6: Upon connecting your wallet you will be asked to prove your identity. Click “Confirm” and then confirm the signature request in your wallet.

Step 7: In the next screen, double check your details, including your wallet address. Make sure this is the wallet you want to bind to your Froyo Games account. The addresses should match. If all details are correct, read and check all three checkboxes, then press “Confirm”.

Step 8: Your account will then be migrated. If successful, you will be shown your account email and wallet address. You can now click to logout from your old account one last time.

Moving forward you will no longer be using your password associated with your old Froyo Games account in order to login. You will be prompted for a wallet signature for a more secure and self-sovreign login experience.



Froyo Games

A multi-chain GameFi infrastructure that gives rise to the transformation of gaming and esports ecosystems into the Metaverse on #ETH and #BSC