Introducing $veFROYO

Vote-Lock your $FROYO tokens for passive income and perks from the Froyo platform

Froyo Games
3 min readMar 9, 2022


Today we’re excited to talk about our upcoming vote-locking mechanism for the $FROYO token. We call it $veFROYO.

As we continue to develop and build the Froyo Games platform, we are also building the ecosystem to be rewarding to its users, especially those who are committed to supporting us for the long haul.

With $veFROYO, you choose how long you want to commit and lock your $FROYO tokens for, with fixed terms from three months to two years available for you to choose from. The longer you vote-lock your $FROYO, the more rewards and perks you will receive.

Here’s a breakdown of the rewards:

% of Gamebox fees

The Froyo GameBox is a mini-game platform with competitive games where player can win real prizes. Think of it as a gamified version of Pancakeswap’s Syrup Pool. Players will have to pay a fee to participate and with Froyo’s access to our strategic developer’s latest acquisition Storms, we potentially have access to over 700 million telco users.

% of Marketplace fees

The Froyo Marketplace is where all trading on the Froyo platform will take place. Every transaction on the marketplace will be charged fees on top of network gas fees and a portion of these fees will be paid out as rewards for $veFROYO participants.

While it may seem little, Froyo Games aims to push 6–8 games out on the platform by the end of 2022. All these games will be required to use the Froyo Marketplace for trading. As more games get launched on the platform, expect the fees collected to increase exponentially, resulting in more rewards that can be distributed between even more users on the platform who choose to use $veFROYO.

% of Launchpad fees

The Froyo Launchpad is where we launch new games and experiences in an IGO-style. Through the launchpad, game developers raise funds in $FROYO by selling their game’s native tokens. The Froyo platform charges a fee for this service and a portion of this fee will be channeled to $veFROYO participants.

$veFROYO’s rewards system will bear several different fruits, meaning that rewards will not only be in the form of $FROYO tokens. For example, while $FROYO is the main medium of transaction on the Froyo Marketplace, it’s not the only token that’s accepted there and thus fees will be collected in multiple different tokens and subsequently deposited into the $veFROYO rewards pool.

Airdrops from the Froyo Publisher Network

That’s not all. $veFROYO participants will also be entitled to rewards in the form of airdrops. The Froyo Publisher Network will airdrop new tokens that will feature in upcoming games on the Froyo platform. This isn’t limited to just game tokens but NFTs as well that will feature on the Froyo platform and in upcoming games!

% of $FROYO emissions

In addition to the above, we will be allocating 5% to 10% from our ecosystem funds to bootstrap the staking mechanism for $veFROYO. All of these add up to bring continuous and sustained rewards to those who throw in their support with Froyo Games for the long term.

Keep an eye out on our socials to get to know more details as they come, such as the expected APY of $veFROYO and the percentage of fees that will be paid out as rewards.

This is Froyo Games — Metaverse Gaming by True Game Makers (🍦,👾)

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Froyo Games

A multi-chain GameFi infrastructure that gives rise to the transformation of gaming and esports ecosystems into the Metaverse on #ETH and #BSC