The Complete Guide to Buying $FROYO

From zero to $FROYO, here’s everything you need to know and do.

Froyo Games
10 min readJan 18, 2022


UPDATE 25 Feb 2022: $FROYO is now on Ethereum as well as the BNB Chain. This article has been updated to reflect these recent changes.

GM and welcome! Here is everything you need to enter the world of Ethereum, BSC and other similar blockchains — and how to purchase yourself some $FROYO on our public listing.

Part One: Setting up a wallet

If you are already familiar with Metamask and you have an Ethereum wallet already set up, you can skip to Part Two.


You will need the following to get your computer set up for crypto. Don’t worry if these sound alien to you — we’ll be showing you every step of the way how to get all of these set up.

  • A sturdy piece of paper and a good quality ballpoint pen
  • A safe place you’ll remember
  • The Metamask Browser extension, available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge


Now, let’s get you set up. There are many ways to spin up a wallet. Wallets consist of two sets of keys — a public key or wallet address and a private key.

The only part of your wallet that should be exposed is your public key, sometimes known as a wallet address. Everything else must be kept secret. Previously wallets have been generated from JSON keystore files, private key strings and other methods. Since we are using Metamask for this tutorial we are going to use the seed phrase method.

Unlike a website account, a crypto wallet is permanent and mathematically verifiable. That means unlike a username and password, you can never change these once you have set it up and they should exist only on your computer and nowhere else. Your seed phrase is strictly for your eyes ONLY.

That also means that your crypto wallet software, in this case Metamask, is the ONLY place you should see or input this seed phrase. No one should ever ask for it and if they do, you should never give it to them.

Let’s get started!


You will need a compatible browser, so if you use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge on Mac, Windows or Linux, you’re good to go!

Today’s tutorial requires you to use your PC for setup. Bear in mind that it is also possible to do this on smartphones and tablets but we will not be touching on that in this tutorial.

We’ll start by downloading Metamask from the link below. Make sure to double check the address. It should only be from — never or any other domain. The official links there will take you to the respective browser extension store for you to install the browser extension.

Once its downloaded and set up, it’s time to create your wallet. A new tab should open in your browser that looks like the image below. If it does not open or you accidentally close the tab, simply go to your extensions menu and click on the orange fox icon. The tab should open again.

What are you looking at, my dear fox?

After clicking Get Started, click on Create a Wallet. This is where we will generate your seed phrase. You can then choose whether or not to let Metamask collect usage data for improvement. This is completely up to you.

This step will be the beginning of your brand new crypto wallet. Since this process is completely cryptographic and involves no servers, if you want some extra security you can disconnect from the internet until it is done.

Now you will enter a password. This sounds strange, doesn’t it? We mentioned earlier that there’s no password involved, right?

This password actually has nothing to do with your wallet. It is only to protect the Metamask extension from being used in case your computer falls into the wrong hands or is stolen. This password only unlocks Metamask when you start your browser as an added layer of security.

Done? Let’s move onto the next step.


Metamask is a non-custodial wallet. This means that you will be in full control of your funds and assets within it. Using Metamask doesn’t mean you have a “Metamask account”. It will never ask you for your name, email, phone number or anything that can identify you.

That is why there is no one from “Metamask customer service” who will message you first. Anyone who messages you claiming to provide support for Metamask on their behalf is almost definitely a scammer and should never be entertained. Metamask comes with no guarantee or warranty. If you are asking for help with Metamask you should never share your screen or provide any information, not even your wallet address.

That’s why this next step is super important. With that in mind, it is time to create your wallet.

Metamask now provides a short video to help you understand the responsibilities associated with a crypto wallet much better. Once you press “next”, Metamask will generate your wallet seed phrase for you. It will look something like this:

You know, I quite like that seed phrase!

Now get that pen and paper out and write the words on your screen down. There should be exactly 12 words. Make sure you’re writing the words from YOUR Metamask interface down and not the words from the image in this article. DO NOT use the seed phrase from the example above. You have to make your own!

Alternatively you can store this seed phrase in a secure password manager that only you can access. DO NOT store the seed phrase in a cloud drive like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Written down? Good! When you press “Next”, Metamask will ask you to arrange the words in the order you wrote them down in order to ensure that you’ve recorded the phrase correctly. Now keep that paper somewhere nice and secure where no one but yourself will be able to find it.

Congratulations, you have just set up your Ethereum wallet!

Part Two: Preparing Metamask for the BNB Chain (Formerly known as Binance Smart Chain)

Ethereum wallets are a format of blockchain wallets that can work with many different blockchains like Polygon, Fantom and the BNB Chain. That’s why we are now going to connect Metamask to the BNB Chain instead of Ethereum.

The Binance Smart Chain, sometimes referred to as BSC, was recently rebranded to the BNB Chain.


If you have completed the previous tutorial on how to connect your wallet to the Froyo Games website, which you can find here, your Metamask will already be configured for the BNB Chain and you can skip forward to Part Three.

If you are having issues or could not get that to work, or if you do not wish to connect your wallet to the Froyo Games website, the instructions below will help you set up the BNB Chain on Metamask manually.


Note: The images in this section were made before the rebranding of the Binance Smart Chain to the BNB Chain.

At the time of writing the BNB Chain is not in the list of Metamask’s default list of supported networks, therefore we will have to do this manually.

Maybe one day we’ll see BSC as a preset option on this menu. Make it happen, Metamask!

When you click on the orange fox icon, the Metamask interface will pop up. You can now click on the dropdown menu that should be saying “Ethereum Mainnet” to open the network selector. This is where you can add more compatible blockchains to Metamask. Go ahead and click on “Add Network” and key in the following:

It should look like this:

Be sure to double check the details and paste the links in the correct fields.

Press “Save” and your Metamask is now fully set up to transact on the BNB Chain.

There, much better!

Now you can select between the Ethereum Mainnet and the BNB Chain using the dropdown menu on Metamask.


Just like Ethereum, the BNB Chain requires gas for transactions. On the BNB Chain gas is paid in their native currency, $BNB. Therefore you need to get your hands on some in order to start transacting.

Since it is a separate blockchain the gas fees calculation is also different. You’ll find some comfort in knowing that the average gas price on the BNB Chain is just 5 gwei compared to Ethereum where even a calm day will still have gas prices in excess of 40gwei.

$BNB can be purchased easily on Binance, and many more exchanges. However be careful when buying because you want to get your $BNB in BEP-20 tokens. Though most exchanges will default to allowing withdrawals in BEP-20, make sure you double check the token standard before confirming your purchase or withdrawal!

As with all investments and purchases, make sure to check the the exchange you are buying from and as always, DYOR.

Once you’ve stocked up on some $BNB, it’s time to get what you wanted — the $FROYO.

Part Three: Buying $FROYO tokens on our public sale


Alrighty then! Buying tokens on Pancakeswap has gotten much simpler lately. As a swap protocol, you’ll be able to trade at the market price on the fly without having to bother with creating order book entries or any of that complicated stuff. Remember to first of all, switch your Metamask over to the BNB Chain network before buying $FROYO.

See? We told you it’s simple!

When you open Pancakeswap to buy $FROYO for $BNB, the interface will look like the one above. Simply enter on either field how much $BNB you want to spend or how much $FROYO you would like to buy and watch the other field update automagically with the current exchange rate.

As the rate is live, it can change dynamically so don’t ponder too long with this process if you want to enjoy the rate you’re looking at!

When you press “Swap”, you’ll be brought to a confirmation screen. Here you will accept the conditions of the swap — how much you will receive and how much the exchange will try to get for you. Bear in mind that since this is a swap protocol, there may be slippage that will result in receiving slightly less than what you may expect. That’s why you will also see the minimum amount of $FROYO you will receive from the transaction. If the platform cannot deliver that much to you, the transaction will revert or fail. Your $BNB will be refunded and you will be charged some gas fees for the transaction.

The swap should take place quickly, under one minute. After successful swap, you can check your wallet or a block explorer for your token balance. You can use and enter your wallet address to check your token holdings.

If you would like to see the $FROYO token appear in your wallet on Metamask, make sure you are on the BNB Chain network, then scroll down and click “Import tokens”

Don’t see the “Don’t see your token?” part? Keep scrolling!

After that you can enter the following:

  • Token Address: 0xe369fec23380f9F14ffD07a1DC4b7c1a9fdD81c9
  • Token Symbol: FROYO
  • Token Decimal: 18

Click “Add Custom Token” and you’ll see your $FROYO token in your wallet on Metamask.


In February 2022, we deployed $FROYO to Ethereum.

Something to note is that this is NOT a migration. $FROYO will continue to exist on both the BNB Chain and Ethereum. However there are a number of things to note:

  1. There is NO TOKEN GENERATION EVENT (TGE) or public mint for $FROYO tokens on Ethereum.
  2. There is NO CHANGE in the circulating supply of $FROYO.
  3. Total supply for $FROYO remains the same at 1,000,000,000.
  4. Our official ERC-20 $FROYO contract address on Ethereum is 0xcf0bcf85082e3cfe591bd2451bc4b46faa34c7de. Make sure you double check this when trading.

You can now buy $FROYO tokens on Ethereum using Sushiswap and also bridge your existing BEP-20 $FROYO tokens to ERC-20 $FROYO on Multichain. Find out how in this article and remember to check your contract addresses as well as the blockchain you are connected to.


That’s all there is to it! Now that you’re the proud holder of some delicious $FROYO, keep an eye out on our socials and our website for all the exciting things you can do with your $FROYO tokens.

We’re really happy to have you onboard in the Froyo metaverse. You have just chosen to be able to play the games you want to play the way you want to play them, to own your digital items and to trade them on your terms.

Welcome to Froyo Games!

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Froyo Games

A multi-chain GameFi infrastructure that gives rise to the transformation of gaming and esports ecosystems into the Metaverse on #ETH and #BSC