400 square feet to 100 square feet: Downsizing with love

4 min readOct 4, 2018
Photo by Kira auf der Heide

I’ve mentioned before that I recently moved from Brooklyn, New York to Boulder, Colorado. I love Boulder, but I wasn’t prepared for the massive downsize that my move would entail.

Once in Boulder, I spent 3 months bouncing around before I found a place to live. I must have looked at 20 apartments. With the growing size of University of Colorado in Boulder and all the new tech campuses here (Twitter, Google, Amazon…), available housing is expensive and rare.

It took me SO LONG to find a place to live that I woke up every morning filled with anxiety — would I find a place before my sublet ended? In fact, I had so looked forward to settling down that once I found a place, I was surprised by my response: I panicked.

Finally, I found a great place with wonderful housemates. But I was confronted with the realization that the amount of stuff I had for a 400 square foot Brooklyn studio was not going to fit in my new 100 square foot bedroom.

I was so happy to have found my new wonderful housemates, yet I went home and cried when I saw a fully-stocked kitchen, meaning that I would have to get rid of some of my beloved kitchenware.

Resigned to the purge, I started going through my things item by item. I made repeated trips to goodwill. On top of everything I…

