2 min readMar 3, 2020

The Lazy Writer Series; Negative Foods while Writing

Food for thought is a popular saying. Nowadays food for the detriment of your writing would be more appropriate. What am I getting at? Modern food is so contaminated with various pesticides and other pollutants. When you ingest these contaminated foods it enters the bloodstream which eventually goes to your brain. Doing damage of course.

Today I purchased a shrimp ramen noodle soup. I had given up this particular processed food for more than a year. It just so happened that I went to the grocers and it was next to a spice I was buying. I added it to my haul. At home, I prepared the Shrimp ramen. Soon thereafter I fell asleep while at my computer and could not remember my login credentials for an account. I was transposing 2 numbers. Bear in mind I login in daily with these credentials.

That Ramen had placed my brain in such a fog that I could not remember. I was extremely groggy as if someone had spiked me with some sleeping medicine. Watch what you eat when you are trying to write because foods affect one’s ability to think and be creative. This occurrence made me remember why I gave up processed ramen noodles in the first place. The home-made ramen noodles should not do such damage. It’s the cheap one in your local grocers that cause this problem for me.

Writing can be such an enjoyment to put stories in a blank document. It does not feel fun when you can’t get your mind to function to write because you are suffering from brain fog. What has the food become today to cause this? Be forewarned it may not be writer’s block or procrastination but the wrong type of food eating before attempting to write your article.


Nothing special trying my hand at writing. I enjoy outdoors and sunlight with blue sky.