Who is “That Girl”?

5 min readJun 12, 2024


“That Girl” is a wellness archetype that rose to prominence on TikTok in April 2021, in the throes of the pandemic and it took the world by a storm. Wake up at six am, meditate, write affirmations in your journal, make a to-do list… all this being done before eight am in the morning had inspired women all over the world to become the best version of themselves. At its core, the whole ‘That Girl’ trend is a way to establish a sense of routine in your life, all while being glamourous and productive. By waking up early, eating healthy and nurturing inner serenity, it has a positive impact on your mental wellness, and it makes you feel accomplished well before your hectic day begins. However, at the peak of its fame, it slowly came plummeting downwards after multiple people began calling out the hypocrisy and falsity behind these videos.

Check out an in-depth and structured explanation of the trend here!

Soon the videos started to change dramatically, videos once meant to instill a sense of accomplishment, now leaning towards pompous luxury. Most of the influencers began making videos with expensive and unnecessary products, which led to mass consumption of said products by the viewers. When acai bowls were popularized, there was a huge demand for the wooden coconut bowls that many people used to make their smoothies in. Then came the expensive blend of frozen fruits and added supplements, the expensive cookware and dishes, and the coordinated outfits from Lululemon and Alo. Soon, the videos became, not for wellness, but more as a display of opulence and lavishness.

Videos of young women eating avocado on toast, brewing various matcha and green veggie concoctions, wearing expensive matching yoga outfits and having expensive and extensive skincare routines soon emerged, drowning out the real and true meaning behind the trend. People started drawing away from this trend, as it became unrealistic and toxic, as people started getting obsessed with it. The ‘That Girl’ was now someone who was rich and had a privileged lifestyle, while never having to lift a finger to work, and this did not resonate with a large number of people. Due to the over-glorification of a once-simple trend, people soon began realizing that this trend was blanketing a lot of deception and was spreading a lot of misinformation, while still packaging itself as someone that every woman and girl desires to emulate.

The trend soon escalated into one of over-consumption and the need to own luxurious paraphernalia for the sake of an aesthetic-looking interior. At its core, the ‘That Girl’ trend was supposed to be a way of showing people that there’s beauty in the simplicity of regular life. By having a set routine every morning before going to work, university or school, it emphasized on the allure of having a consistent routine. Truly speaking, ‘That Girl’ is in the eye of the beholder. It could be anyone you aspire to be in terms of their fashion sense, the way they carry themselves, the lifestyle they lead… it should not be about imitation, but rather adaptation. Really, it should be “How can I utilize the items I already have in my possession?” rather than, “Where can I buy these clothes that she wore?”

With mass production of these in-demand fashion items, the landfills have been growing steadily too, with synthetic fabrics taking years and years to properly decompose. How do you become ‘That Girl’ while you’re on a budget? It’s simple. Just stop buying unnecessary products and stick with the ones you have! Following this lifestyle shouldn’t have to drain out your wallet, it should instead allow you to make full use of what you have and build on that. Use whatever clothes you already have, that serve the purpose in the same way. The flip side of this trend is that it’s very hard to maintain. While you might be seeing influencers who claim to wake up at 6 am every day, you should be aware that it’s not easy to do this, especially if you have a full-time job or are a full-time student. When you’re working or studying around the clock, waking up earlier than your alarm to work out and meditate might seem a tad bit difficult for the normal human. (if you can still do this while working/studying, you have my deepest respects)

In my personal opinion, I believe it’s best if we took elements from routine and modified it to fit our times and preferences. If you can’t journal or write affirmations down every day, try writing affirmations for the entire week on your days off. Journalling is a great way to structure your thoughts down on paper and a way to jot down what is bothering or upsetting you. If you can’t get up early, trying to take short walks whenever you can. Stepping outside for 15–30 minutes daily can greatly improve your mental health. instead of ordering out often, try following simple protein-filled recipes to keep you satiated and full. (don’t forget to have a sweet treat too! you deserve that) It’s really the thoughts and efforts that count. It’s the small adjustments and changes to your hectic life, that can make a difference in the long run.

Try emptying all your makeup products fully before reaching out to buy another. I know it can be tempting to buy new makeup, with the advertisements for them being super addicting and influencing, and I myself fall victim to it a lot of the times. Buying products just because they’re on sale or half-off is a strain on your wallet, and if you don’t use them immediately the formula for these products can get messed up. Also, don’t forget about the environment! In this day and age, single-use products are the worst possible packaging for makeup, and you’ll find that most companies, do in fact, use single-use plastic. Try purchasing from brands that give you refillable and reusable products. Being ‘That Girl’ also means being environment-conscious and pocket-friendly. Buying what’s not needed solely because it’s a trend, does more harm than good in the long run.

Please note, that this article is not meant to shame those who want to pursue this lifestyle in its most original form. This article aims to inform others on how to be ‘That Girl’ but in a more sustainable and pocket-friendly way and in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. That said, my final tip would be experiment more! Elevate what you already have with a pop of color or a nice statement piece. If you’re wearing a full black ensemble, try choosing a bag with a bright color. Or heels. Wear sunglasses with lenses that suit the shape of your face. Most importantly, a nice deodorant or perfume goes a long way when it comes to looking your best. You want to make sure that you smell like a snack too!

The ‘That Girl’ trend is not hard to incorporate into your daily life, provided you know how to adjust it to your liking and how to keep compromising. I hope this article has helped you in a small way and I look forward to hearing if my advice actually worked!




Trying to make a difference one blog post at a time :)