FRUITS Wallet Guideline: How to create a FRUITS Web Wallet

Fruits Eco-Blockchain Project
3 min readJun 22, 2022


In this article, we will be explaining (with images) how to create a FRUITS Web Wallet account.

Step 1

Access the Web Wallet Website. You can find the Web Wallet link below:

Step 2

Read the Disclaimer and if you understand and agree with the terms then click “I Understand”

Step 3

For new users, select “Multi-coin FRUITS Wallet”.

※ “FRUITS-only Wallet” is only for users who want to import their old wallet account that does not support multi-coins.

Step 4

To create a new Multi-coin account, select “Create a new account”.

Step 5

Move your mouse cursor inside the white open space until the generator bar is fully orange.

Step 6

You will be given your ID, Fruits Wallet Address, and your 12 word Passphrase (recovery phrase). This is your wallet’s password that will be used for backup or when importing a wallet to another wallet device.

After copying and storing your passphrase, click “Next”.

PLEASE copy your passphrase and store it somewhere SAFE. NEVER share this with anyone. It is your responsibility to have this backed up as we do not have access to your FRUITS Wallet.

Step 7

Set a PIN code. The PIN code is used to verify actions made within your web wallet account.

After setting and storing your PIN code, click “Next”.

Just like your passphrase (recovery phrase), please copy your PIN code somewhere SAFE. NEVER share this with anyone. It is your responsibility to have this backed up as we do not have access to your FRUITS Wallet.

Step 8

re-enter your passphrase in the correct order to verify that you have backed up your passphrase. Once you have clicked on all the words in the correct order, click on “Finish”.

Step 9

Congratulations! Your FRUITS Web Wallet account has now been created successfully. Welcome to the Fruits Eco-Blockchain Family!



Fruits Eco-Blockchain Project

#FRTS is an economic cycle created by PoC that provides a unique blockchain economy that aims to revitalize global charity together with athletes🍊🍓🍎🍒🍌🍇