Unlocking the Mysteries of Spirit Guides: How to Connect and Receive Guidance

balanced life guides
6 min readOct 19, 2023


Even when you feel as though you are completely alone, there are Divine Companions who are always with you. Before your incarnation they chose to accompany you through your lifetime- from the moment of your first breath- until your last.


Spirit Guides are highly evolved beings that have completed the cycle of birth and death in the physical plane and are now serving as teachers and guides to further elevate their vibrations. They are as “real” as you are- they are just vibrating at another level and reside in another plane of existence.

They work to guide you by working through your dreams and intuition. That quiet voice you hear is often the voice of your teachers and guides. They may also make themselves known to you through signs and symbols. For me, when I am at a crossroads in my life or journeying through a personal or emotional challenge- I find feathers everywhere. I also see feather tattoos, hawks and hear certain songs. It is a reminder for me to be still and listen to the guidance of my own personal guides. The feathers are representative of the energy of my guides- one being a powerful Shaman and the others are from the Angelic Realm.

Your spirit guide is always with you, whether you acknowledge their presence or not. You cannot call them to you or send them away- they are part of you and your journey. However, you can choose to gain the knowledge of who they are and what their role in your life is. You can interact with your spirit guides in a more proactive way.

Working with your spirit guides can be an incredible tool for your own personal and spiritual growth. Unlike beings who are in the physical- their wisdom and advice is not influenced by the “world”. They dwell in a higher vibrational plane and the mundane particulars of your situation are not relevant. For example- if you seek guidance from your spirit guide regarding a relationship- they will lead you to focus on what you are learning, what you need to learn, what you are teaching your partner, and what is the true meaning of your relationship. The fact that they leave the toilet seat up or are terrible at budgeting the household finances will be irrelevant. The information that you will be provided with- will be actions that YOU can take to gain more understanding. You can also ask your Spirit Guides to assist you in physical healing. Before you go to sleep, ask that as you are sleeping- you receive healing.

You are never alone. Never. Take faith in knowing and understanding that there is so much magic and mystery in this life. Just for a moment let the “world” disappear. Raise your vibration and allow the beautiful gifts of spirit wash over you. Life is so much more than what we see. Open your spiritual eyes and hearts and you will discover a world of wisdom, beauty and peace that you never knew existed. Of course, you can always choose to not believe. It is always your choice. But, why not? Why not step into another level of existence? Why not believe in magic? You do not have to announce it to the office, but you can embrace the wonders of spirit in your own heart. It will envelope you in a light of love and understanding- and will mysteriously transform you to a more connected and loving being.

This is why meditation is recommended. It is a good tool to clear out the mental ‘junk’ that affects your emotional state. Don’t worry about keeping a strict, regulated practise. What’s important is you want to enjoy it, so do it when you feel like it, for as short/long as it makes you feel good.

When not meditating, try to keep in that state of mindfulness as well, such that it becomes a constant practice.

When you feel down, a good method to raise your frequencies is to focus on what gives you joy. For eg. look at your child and think of the outpouring of love you have for them, or the beauty you’ve always found in flowers, or the sea… This is the object of appreciation is an individual preference. The point is to feel uplifting emotions, and keep it going.


Stay Aware Of Synchronicities

As you do the above, you will become increasingly aware. At any stage you may notice signs of contact from guides. Guides will choose methods that are meaningful to you and their attempts will never cause you to feel fearful. You should in fact feel a sense of light-heartedness during these events.

Formulating Questions

You can ask them questions now and be more certain you will be answered by a positive guide.

How to ask? Start by clearing your mind and releasing your desire for a specific outcome, mentally keep your attention on a benevolent entity like Jesus, depending on your inclination. You can verbally request for him or those of “the highest good” to come to you and answer. This sets the intent to draw in the right source. Now, formulate your query. Don’t put too much specifics in your question as this limits the information coming through.

You can choose to get answers in many ways — inner knowing, outer signs. A divination tool is very helpful. You can use the bible or other holy items.

Different methods allow for different types of responses. Guidance can come through dreams which you should familiarize yourself with interpreting. Guidance can also show up through synchronistic events. This is good for times when you are required to take action on something, and want to know if it is the right time for it.

Explore ways of communication with your guides. There is no one best way.

Question the source of your guidance

Never blindly leave your fate to anyone. It is your right to ensure your wellbeing. Therefore always assess the ‘purity’ of what you receive. A positive guide will never shun you because you question and in fact support you in that. Basically your guide is a wise, benevolent and high-minded being, thus the guidance he gives should reveal such. Egoistic demands, coercions, doomsday messages, and information that infringes upon the privacy of other people are not signs of a positive guide.

These may not be immediately apparent or obvious. Don’t worry, your ability to make accurate judgments will get better when you practice all of what I wrote above.

As you become more in tune with your guide, the interactions takes on more life. My guide has informed me of exactly who (as in human) to seek help from for what I need. He provides me encouraging messages in times of despair, and other times gives me assurance and comfort without my attempt at a contact. He also chides me when I make self-centered decisions.

At times when I ask for guidance on a matter, my guide will attempt to draw my attention to something else more imminent. I have been helped out of potentially dangerous situations many times. During each crisis, my guide leads me step by step to navigate out of it.

The bonds with your guide can be likened to that of a closest friend. We are drawn to those of like minds, and aligned goals, mutual respect, is the fertilizer for deepening bonds. In time you can experience a very fulfilling relationship with your guide.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being? Dive into the pages of my ebook “Being Whole: Mastering Your Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health” an empowering guide that delves deep into the intricate connections between your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

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