Agenda sneak peak

Big data and small iterations; local government and secret intelligence. It can only be the agenda for the Fast Stream Conference 17: Digital: Definition Unknown

Fast Stream Conf ‘17
2 min readNov 25, 2016

It’s Sprint 7.

We’ve developed a conference based on user needs, and hundreds of people on both Early Talent schemes have registered for the ballot.

If you needed any more convincing, here’s a sneak peek at the agenda. Our aim is to give you a starting point to develop your own definition of what digital means for the Civil Service. Remember that this is just a sneak peek — there are more sessions coming! Keep an eye on our Facebook, blog, and Twitter to get the latest updates.

Kevin has worked at Vodafone and previously headed up the Business Transformation Group at DWP


We’re hugely excited to welcome the Director-General of GDS to our conference. He’ll be kicking us off by talking about his vision for digital in government. Kevin has had a long career in both the private and public sector, and will offer a fascinating insight into government and digital.


There will be sessions on open data, local government, registers, big data, and how to store all of those things in a way that’s secure and accessible. We’ll learn about how it can be used to improve the services we design and how we deliver them.


Our most interactive track, we’ll be rapidly prototyping (testing/developing) ideas all day in a bid to learn by doing. There will also be opportunities to understand how we can ensure our digital services are inclusive, and how DfID are using digital means to improve policy-making.


Agile is a way of managing projects that’s being seen more and more in government. Leaders of the future, whether they think they’re digital or not, have to understand the roles, rules, and responsibilities of this new way of working. There’ll be talks from Product Owners and user researchers, and we’re excited to hear Tracy Williams from the MoJ talk about scaling agile working from one team to the whole department.


We’ve got a huge cross-section of content in this track, but we’re really excited to announce that we’ll have speakers from the National Cyber Security Centre. They’ll be talking about the work they’re doing to help protect the UK from attacks in cyber-space.

Yes. That GCHQ

Over the coming weeks we’ll be diving into more detail about the conference, including the many organisations who’ll be “showing the thing” over lunchtime networking. If this has piqued your interest, you can apply here and stay up to date by following us here, on Facebook, and on Twitter.



Fast Stream Conf ‘17

The official blog of Digital: Definition Unknown, the Fast Stream Conference 2017