David S. Allee @ Morgan Lehman Gallery

f-stop magazine
F-Stop Magazine
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2016

David S. Allee: Chasing Firefly
January 5 — February 4, 2017

The exhibition title is a reference to the wistful feeling and innocence of childhood. It hints at the experience of facing the fear of darkness and fear in general through discovery, adventure, and a sense of the magical. In searching for and playing with the intense artificial light found at night in familiar places, (often from the artist’s childhood, such as the hill where he watched fireworks or the lake where he learned to swim), this work embodies a desire to reconcile adult fears in the context of youthful experience, amassed visual memory, and nostalgia.

Morgan Lehman Gallery
534 W 24th St, New York, NY 10011

Originally published at F-Stop Magazine.

