Jacob Haupt @ Silver Eye Center for Photography

f-stop magazine
F-Stop Magazine
Published in
Aug 26, 2021

Jacob Haupt: Real to Me
Sep 2–Oct 23, 2021

“acob Haupt uses lovingly handmade props and costumes to explore pop culture and what he calls, “the tragedy of becoming an adult.” Using himself, his wife and daughter, and his friends as performers, Haupt creates pictures that are absurd, funny, and poignant tableaus of monsters, heroes, villains, and devils.

Through these images he shares his feelings, weighs the value of nostalgia, and basks in the enduring appeal of Batman and The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Though his work celebrates the staged, the fictitious, and the performed Real to Me is also a sincere, peculiar, joyful, delirious, and real family portrait.”

Silver Eye Center for Photography
4808 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224

Originally published at Blog — F-Stop Magazine.

