Important Updates!

FTEC Foundation
2 min readAug 12, 2018


Hi, community!

We prepared another weekly report so you can check all updates made during this week! So, let’s start!

First of all, we are now actively working on Module of Price Notification that should be ready till the end of August, according to the Roadmap!

  • The function of saving circumstances when notifying the user was added (for Binance)
  • Module of Price Notification now uses proxy servers for additional security
  • We added the function of deleting the condition when it’s necessary to notify the user
  • We added the function of saving the current currency price
  • Notification Module was fully integrated to Module of Price Notification, which enables working with this module on the page of all notification configurations
  • We also added the possibility to work with this module on the page of all notification configurations at frontend

We also continue the development of Service of Trader’s Behavioral Analysis! What did we add?

  • The function that makes it possible to see the last user’s deals from Poloniex API
  • The function that makes it possible to see candles for user’s deals from Poloniex API
  • The function of calculating statistics for user’s deals from Poloniex API
  • The function of generating the recommendations for statistics of user’s deals from Poloniex API
  • Outdated recommendations are highlighted now
  • The possibility to work with Poloniex
  • Loading of the information about candlesticks from HitBTC for displaying the chart

As you remember, we should implement Module of Price Notification and Exchange Order Management Module within this month.
Follow our updates (everyday updates are available here) and watch the development of the First Trading Ecosystem!

Official website of the ecosystem:



FTEC Foundation

FTEC is an ecosystem of intelligent services and neural networks for conducting effective trading activities on cryptocurrency markets.