đź’¬ Interview with the team members!

FTEC Foundation
2 min readApr 19, 2018


“I like that feeling when you understand that you are a part of something revolutionary, like, you are in the avant-garde of the financial and technical world”

Ihor Torshyn, CEO of the first trading ecosystem — about his team, product, and lifestyle.

Ihor, tell us about yourself. What were your main activities and interests?
— Issues of the financial world and innovative technologies interested me since I can remember. I chose the law field as an initial direction to sort out all nuances which business can face in our country. In parallel with my main activity, I spent most of my free time studying “the art of trading” on the stock market. When I realized opportunities offered by the world of cryptocurrency operations, I have decided to delve deeper into it.

And what do you like in this field?
— I particularly like the feeling when you understand that you are a part of something revolutionary, like, you are in the avant-garde of the financial and technical world. And of course, it is a great possibility to earn money.

How did you come up with the creation of FTEC?
— My partners and I were engaged in cryptocurrency trading but it was, you know, just a trading process. We’ve seen that no one can forecast situation on the market so we decided to develop the product which can help traders to earn more and stay confident with tomorrow’s market situation.

What is your role as a team member in FTEC?
— My tasks are ranged widely. Initially, my main task was to form the coolest team ever. And hopefully, I’ve succeeded. Now, the most important activities include further development of the project, keeping in contact with our partners and users, developing new ideas for implementation with the help of our technical team and mentoring some aspects related to our marketing campaign.

Do you have a hobby?
— I’m in love with surfing when I stay in a warm place! I also work out all the time. My passions are MMA and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Recently, I’ve begun archery, as it helps me to concentrate and be patient. And, just like everyone, I enjoy spending time reading some good books or hanging out with my best friends.

Why do you think FTEC will succeed?
— This question is very easy. We have a world-class team and a product that is in a high demand.

➡️Join FTEC and learn more about our use of cryptocurrency: https://ftec.ai



FTEC Foundation

FTEC is an ecosystem of intelligent services and neural networks for conducting effective trading activities on cryptocurrency markets.