Now you can see the interface of Cryptoacademy!

FTEC Foundation
2 min readMay 15, 2018


The extremely dire problem of the industry is the fact that any person who wants to become a trader in the cryptocurrency market, begins the training with classical materials that have been created for other types of markets.

Very often it works against the person because the cryptomarkets have their own very specific rules.

To solve this problem at least partially, we are creating a training module that will enable beginner trader to get only the knowledge that will work exactly on the cryptocurrency market. We called this module “Cryptoacademy”, its main goal is to compensate for the lack of convenient training tools that allow the user not to risk real money and learn how to make effective forecasts in real time.

As you can see in the picture below, all necessary lessons are in one place. You can choose your level of experience to get lessons which are more useful for your level.

It will also be possible to store and cache a part of services. For example, educational materials from the cryptoacademy are available for local saving. They can be used in the future, even if there is no Internet connection.

And FTEC Pre-Sale is live now! You still can buy our tokens with the highest 20% discount and earn on FTEC price increasing! 🚀

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FTEC Foundation

FTEC is an ecosystem of intelligent services and neural networks for conducting effective trading activities on cryptocurrency markets.