Project Development Progress

FTEC Foundation
2 min readJun 23, 2018


Hi everyone!

We want to remind you that there is one week left until the end of June. That means that Social Assistant, Arbitrage Module, and Telegram Assistant will be ready soon! Today we want to show you the progress we made during this time:

So, for Social Assistant, we:

  • Fixed all the bugs
  • Made a test server
  • Сreated a system of assistant versions automatic updates
  • Did the unit testing
  • Integrated it with the main module on backend
  • Implemented the work with Social Assistant dictionary at frontend
  • Optimized Social Assistant methods at backend
  • Connected Twitter API at backend

As for Arbitrage Module:

  • Test server is made
  • The work of Arbitrage Assistant is optimized
  • Backend bugs are fixed
  • Personal cabinet and Arbitrage Module were integrated
  • We created a system of Arbitrage Module versions automatic updates
  • Messages for a user working with module were added

Telegram Assistant also has updates:

  • We began the development of the bot at backend
  • We developed the integration of the module and personal cabinet
  • Telegram session for user was implemented at backend
  • Continuance of data input was implemented through the bot, too
  • Testing and production variants of the bot implementation were separated

Moreover, we involved real professionals in the crypto&blockchain field and started the work on FTEC Cryptoacademy.

Everything we mentioned above is just a little part of the work of our developers. Stay tuned and you will be able to test our first modules in the near future! And don’t forget that you still can buy FTEC tokens with a 15% discount! 🚀

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FTEC Foundation

FTEC is an ecosystem of intelligent services and neural networks for conducting effective trading activities on cryptocurrency markets.