Weekly Report

FTEC Foundation
1 min readDec 13, 2018


Hello, dear community! It is the end of the week and it means that we want to update you on the latest changes that have been done to our project.

Order Manager and Price Notification service now work correctly with BitTrex exchange.

Portfolio Manager design was improved. We changed our color palette that is used for our result generated as a circle diagram to make it more pleasant.

The Arbitrage Module was improved and now you can see the notification that the withdrawal of the currency is locked.

After the result is generated for Portfolio Manager and Global Price Analyzer there is now a link that takes you to the last result without reloading the page, which makes site navigation more comfortable.

These are our main changes. Follow our social media to always be up to date with our improvements!



FTEC Foundation

FTEC is an ecosystem of intelligent services and neural networks for conducting effective trading activities on cryptocurrency markets.