Switching in Network

Fethi Çekinmez
2 min readJul 14, 2023


In large networks, there may be multiple paths from sender to receiver. The switching technique will decide the best route for data transmission.

Circuit Switching (CS)

Circuit switching is establishing a dedicated communication path, known as a circuit, between the source and destination before data transmission begins.

In circuit-switched networks, resources (such as bandwidth) are allocated for the entire duration of the call, even if no data is being transmitted. The path(circuit) remains reserved for the duration of the communication session.

Traditional telephone networks are based on circuit switching, circuit switching guarantees a dedicated connection.

Packet Switching (PS)

Packet switching is the most widely used switching technique in modern networks.

The data is divided into smaller units called packets. Each packet contains the necessary addressing information, such as the source and destination IP addresses. These packets are then individually routed from the source to the destination using the most efficient available path or paths.

Compression of CS and PS

In CS, there is physical connection btw transmitter and receiver. In PS, there is no physical path is establishing.

In CS, end to end path is needed before the data transmission. In PS, there is no need.

In CS, The entire bandwidth is reserved in advance (waste of bandwidth is possible). In PS, no reservation of bandwidth is made.

CS is not suitable for handling interactive traffic, PS is suitable.

