If you’re considering a career in tech, here are 5 things you must know:

Fuad Hanafi
1 min readNov 2, 2022
  1. ) Growing fields offer more opportunities. Fields that haven’t been around for a long time and are growing will have more opportunities: — Jobs — Innovation — Etc. Some examples: — AI — Virtual Reality — NFTs and Blockchain
  2. You have to network and build relationships — Funding — Mentors — Job opportunities You are much likelier to be connected to opportunities if you have a network.
  3. If you are at the start of your career, focus more on experience and skills. In your 20s or 30s? If you can focus on gaining experiences, learning new skills and building your network. For example, through Volunteering. This will set you up for success.
  4. Your mental health shouldn’t suffer Many tech professionals suffer from: — Imposter syndrome — Stress & Anxiety — Loneliness Build a support system of friends, and get their opinions when you struggle with something.
  5. Learn to do the extras… Negotiating Networking Seeking funding Asking for a promotion Building your personal brand These can help you 10x your career with the same skills.

