Introducing Garage by Fueled: a Free Mobile Bug Reporting Tool

3 min readFeb 19, 2019


“Testers are the unsung heroes of the mobile app world.

When usability testing is done right, the finished app is a pleasure to interact with and the user will look forward to opening it up again and again.”

- The Ten Commandments of Usability Testing, UX Blog

We at Fueled fully subscribe to this philosophy. Testing is a critical part of our mobile development process, and we make sure that our apps are polished and comprehensively QA’ed before releasing them into the wild. Over the years, we’ve experimented with many different tools for mobile testing, but ultimately didn’t feel like there was something that fit our specific needs.

That’s why we built Garage. Our own tool for simple, fast mobile bug reporting.

It only takes a few lines of code to get started, and is completely free. The iOS SDK is publicly available to download on GitHub and should take less than 5 minutes to get up and running.

How it works:

  1. Shake your phone to activate and capture what you’re looking at
  2. Draw on the captured screenshot and add details about the issue
  3. Record your screen to capture more complex issues
  4. Send your bug directly to your Jira project

We know that there are many tools out there that do something similar, but we wanted to build something that was simple and effective without too many extraneous features. Our criteria for a successful product was that it is easy to set up and could submit bugs in as few steps as possible. Testers should spend less time reporting and more time using the app.

We also wanted Garage to link directly to Jira, so that bugs are automatically sent to the project board with specs like the user’s device and build version. This makes it easier for developers to review issues, and product managers to prioritize accordingly.

We have been using Garage internally for the past few years, and are really excited to finally release it to the greater tech community. As with all of our products, we will continue to iterate and improve. So, if you have any questions or suggestions, please email me at

Now, get out there and crush some bugs!

Written by Alisha Vimawala | Product Manager at Fueled

Garage is currently only available for iOS. Follow us on Medium, Twitter, and our blog to stay updated on the Android launch and future Fueled Labs projects.




Mobile design and development in New York City. There's an app, and then there's a Fueled app.