How to Create Consistent Characters with DALL-E 3

Fuel Your Digital
5 min readJun 10, 2024


Source: Dall-E 3

Hey there! Today, I’m going to walk you through the process of creating consistent characters with DALL-E 3. If you’re into digital art, storytelling, or just having fun with AI, then you’re in the right place. DALL-E 3 is an amazing tool that can help you generate images from textual descriptions, and with a bit of effort, you can create characters that maintain a consistent appearance across different scenarios. Let’s get started!

Understanding DALL-E 3

Before we dive into creating consistent characters, it’s essential to understand what DALL-E 3 is and how it works. DALL-E 3 is an AI model developed by OpenAI that can generate images from textual descriptions. Unlike traditional image generation tools, DALL-E 3 can create highly detailed and imaginative images based on the prompts you provide.

Why Consistency Matters

When creating characters, especially for storytelling or branding, consistency is crucial. Consistent characters help:

  • Maintain Recognition: Readers or viewers can easily identify your character in different scenes or contexts.
  • Build a Connection: Consistency helps in building a stronger emotional connection with your audience.
  • Enhance Storytelling: It ensures that your story flows smoothly without confusing the audience with changing appearances.

Steps to Create Consistent Characters with DALL-E 3

Let’s break down the process into manageable steps.

Step 1: Define Your Character

The first step in creating a consistent character is to have a clear idea of what your character looks like. You should define:

  • Physical Attributes: Hair color, eye color, height, body type, distinguishing features (e.g., scars, tattoos).
  • Clothing Style: What kind of clothes do they wear? Do they have a specific outfit they always wear, or do they have a particular style?
  • Personality Traits: While DALL-E 3 doesn’t directly use personality traits, knowing them can help you describe the character’s appearance and expressions better.

Example Description:

  • Physical Attributes: Tall, slender, with long curly brown hair and green eyes. Has a small scar above the right eyebrow.
  • Clothing Style: Wears a leather jacket over a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black boots.
  • Personality Traits: Confident, adventurous, and a bit mysterious.

Step 2: Create a Detailed Prompt

Once you have a clear idea of your character, the next step is to create a detailed prompt for DALL-E 3. The prompt should include all the key attributes you’ve defined.

Example Prompt: “Create an image of a tall, slender person with long curly brown hair and green eyes. The person has a small scar above the right eyebrow. They are wearing a leather jacket over a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. The character looks confident and adventurous.”

Step 3: Generate the Initial Image

Using your detailed prompt, generate the initial image of your character with DALL-E 3. This image will serve as your reference for all future images of this character. Make sure the generated image matches your description closely. If it doesn’t, you may need to tweak your prompt and try again until you get a satisfactory result.

Step 4: Save and Document the Image

Once you have the perfect image, save it and document the details. This documentation will help you recreate the character consistently. Note down the exact prompt you used and any adjustments you made.

Step 5: Create Variations

Now that you have your reference image, you can start creating variations of your character in different poses, outfits, or settings. Here’s how to do it while maintaining consistency:

  1. Consistent Core Description: Keep the core description of your character consistent. This includes physical attributes and any unique features.
  2. Add Context: Add new details for the variations. For example, if you want your character in a different outfit, describe the new outfit but keep the core description the same.
  3. Specify Expressions and Poses: Be specific about the expressions and poses. If you want your character to look happy, sad, or surprised, include that in the prompt.

Example Variation Prompt: “Create an image of the same tall, slender person with long curly brown hair and green eyes. The person has a small scar above the right eyebrow. They are now wearing a blue hoodie and black jeans, standing in a forest looking surprised.”

Step 6: Review and Refine

After generating the variations, review them to ensure they match the reference image in terms of core attributes. You might need to refine your prompts or make slight adjustments to maintain consistency.

Step 7: Build a Character Sheet

A character sheet is a collection of images showing your character in different poses, outfits, and expressions. This is particularly useful for storytelling, animation, or comics. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Start with the Reference Image: Place your initial reference image at the top.
  2. Add Variations: Arrange the variations around the reference image.
  3. Label Each Image: Label each image with the prompt you used to generate it. This helps you remember what details you included.

Tips for Consistent Character Creation

Here are some tips to help you maintain consistency while using DALL-E 3:

  1. Be Specific and Detailed: The more detailed your prompt, the better the results. Include specific details about physical attributes, clothing, and expressions.
  2. Use Reference Images: If possible, use the initial reference image to create prompts for variations. This ensures you’re working from a consistent base.
  3. Iterate and Refine: Don’t be afraid to iterate. If the generated image isn’t quite right, refine your prompt and try again.
  4. Save Your Prompts: Keep a record of all your prompts. This makes it easier to recreate the character later or make adjustments.
  5. Use Consistent Language: Use the same descriptive language for core attributes across all prompts to ensure consistency.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, you might run into issues while trying to create consistent characters. Here are some common problems and how to fix them:

Issue 1: Inconsistent Appearance


  • Refine Your Prompt: Make sure your prompt is detailed and specific. Include all key attributes in every prompt.
  • Use Reference Images: If DALL-E 3 supports it, use your initial image as a reference.

Issue 2: Unwanted Changes in Features


  • Check for Ambiguities: Ensure your prompt doesn’t have any ambiguous descriptions that could lead to changes in features.
  • Reiterate Core Attributes: Reiterate the core attributes in every prompt to reinforce consistency.

Issue 3: Difficulty in Creating Certain Poses or Expressions


  • Be Descriptive: Describe the pose or expression in detail. Use descriptive words that convey the exact look you want.
  • Adjust and Try Again: If the pose or expression isn’t coming out right, adjust your prompt and try again.


Creating consistent characters with DALL-E 3 is both an art and a science. It requires a clear vision, detailed descriptions, and a bit of patience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating characters that maintain their unique look across different scenarios.

Remember, the key is to be detailed and specific in your prompts, review and refine your images, and keep a record of all your prompts and reference images. With practice, you’ll get better at creating consistent and recognizable characters.



Fuel Your Digital

Fuel Your Digital is a content and performance marketing agency that scales attention for info-product companies, agencies and coaches.