How to choose your Research paper topic

Full Assignment
3 min readJan 30, 2020


how to choose a research paper topic, research paper writing, research paper format

It is quite often said the first impression is the last impression and it is equally applicable while choosing a research paper topic. Today we will tell you to give you five simple yet effective steps that you can use to make the most effective topic for your research paper.

Research Paper Writing Tips:

Get well accustomed to your research paper outline and choose a focused topic

You should be well aware of what you are going to research in the paper. You can get ideas from various sources and try to keep the topic focused and simple, for example, if your topic is Food safety if you simply use food safety as your topic it will be very broad topic hence you will need to make it focused you can try something like effect of government regulation on food safety in India. You should also make sure that the topic you use allows you to read and understand the literature that is available, another major thing that you should always look out for is to check whether material for research is available to you once you have all the data and material you should make a list of keywords which you are going to use in your research paper. The topic you choose should be narrow and focused so that it is interesting while it is broad so that material is available, therefore you need to find the sweet spot between the two.

Keep a general approach to the topic

You should think about a particular general approach which you should adopt for your research paper and for your topic as well. Using a historical approach or a geographical approach to a topic will help you remain focused on one particular aspect of your topic which will help you in remaining focused on your research.

Use Research paper samples to check whether your topic is engaging enough

You could use the already available research paper samples as a template to understand how will the audience interact with your research paper and how well will the research paper do in the long run. Determining this before starting your research paper will give you a major boost while writing your paper.

Get help from your instructor, course readings, notes, internet, etc.

Before you finalize your topic it is always better to get your topic double-checked by your instructor who is in a better position to judge whether the topic is good enough to be researched upon. Further, you can use your class notes and other course reading available to make sure you stay relevant to your topic.

Use research guides available in the library

You can use research guides made by librarians of a particular subject to choose where to begin from. It has online and offline guides that allow you to get the initial information that is required to start your research work. Be flexible at this stage and research and use various sources that are best for your topic.



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