Make Your Own Huggin’ Donald

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2 min readOct 26, 2016


Donald Trump will not stop invading Old Glory’s personal space. But as the old proverb goes, when you’re famous, they just let you do it.

These were taken months apart.

Our somehow under-worked graphics team has come together to make you a little gift. Remember Lyin’ Ted? Meet your new creative challenge: Huggin’ Donald.

Here’s how to make your very own Huggin’ Donald: Download this transparent Huggin’ Donald file, and open the photo-editing application of your choice. Then create a layer to put beneath Huggin’ Donald. Imagine the things he could be clutching to his ample bosom!

How about a delicious hot dog? You can ruin any food with Huggin’ Donald!

You’re sure to veer off course with Huggin’ Donald on your ship.

And look! Here’s a vision of Trump’s America.

The possibilities are truly endless.

Post your gorgeous artwork on Twitter and don’t forget that sweet, sweet hashtag:

