Full Moon Journaling — How it can change your life!

Selene Crescent
6 min readJan 24, 2020


Time immemorial, the moon has played an important part in our human culture, tradition, and history. The phases of the moon are a powerful and constant reminder that life is a series of cycles that repeat themselves; ad infinitum. The moon has been our universal timekeeper and constant celestial reminder of our connection with nature, the universe, and our own alignment within it.

Full moon journaling is about aligning ourselves with nature and its natural rhythms. It’s about letting the mind settle and opening our awareness of new ways of processing and thinking about the issues and concerns we contend within our daily lives.

Full moon journaling offers a therapeutic mechanism for you - the author to clarify your thoughts, questions, concerns, conflicts, and confusion within the process of writing — the act of manifesting emotion into words on paper.

As the moon leads us through the seasons of the year, each full moon has a significant meaning. Our ancestors assigned names for each of the full moons within the year. These names represent the importance of the month within the year. Full Moon journaling helps to bring our awareness of our own internal seasons and how our own internal seasons are naturally aligned with mother nature's seasons and the ebb and flow of the universe we live within.

If you are looking for understanding, relief, compassion or healing — this simple internal practice will help bring alignment and offers mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Moon Journaling

What are the Benefits of Full Moon Journaling?

Many healthy women already intuitively know. Our bodies are naturally intuned with the lunar cycle. Sadly, in recent times we have either forgotten or simply lost touch with our connection with nature. Full moon journaling is an opportunity to revive this connection with nature, our body, our natural rhythms, and the universe.

Full moon journaling is a process of internal dialogue and reflective writing where the issues and concerns are manifested into the physical world through the act of writing. Writing offers a voice to your issues and to look at the situation in a more objective, holistic way.

Full Moon journaling is not just for realigning ourselves with nature and the universe. It’s also used for dealing with grief and loss. For coping with life-threatening or chronic illness as well as helping with various types of trauma and disorder. It has been used in the recovery of addiction, eating disorders and other internalized ailments.

Journaling helps with the expression of difficult emotions and feelings. It can help with improving relationships; troubled marriages or family relationships. Full Moon journaling can help with improving self-esteem, confidence and improving your overall perspective of life and your role within.

Full moon journaling helps with navigating emotional matters we find difficult to process and can include:

  • Releasing pent-up thoughts and emotions
  • Detaching from past events and letting go
  • Healing past relationships, personal empowerment
  • Bridging of inner thoughts and emotions with outer experiences
  • Strengthens your sense of yourself; Self-trust
  • Ability to recalls and reconstructs past events
  • Empowering and allows you to act as your own counselor
  • Brings awareness and integration of peaks and valleys in life
  • Soothes troubled memories and emotions
  • Reveals larger cycles and patterns within your life
  • Shows our connectedness to the universe and everything in it

In the past, our ancestors held many ceremonies to give space and time for the seasons within. We have lost many of these healing traditions in our modern lives. We are now exposed to more stimuli, emotions, and circumstances than our ancestors were and more than ever we need the tools to better handle it.

Full moon journaling is one such tradition that can help realign ourselves with our own natural rhythms and our connection with nature.

Lunar Clock & Moon Journaling

Why Full Moon Journaling?

Why have our ancestors place so much importance around the phases of the moon? There are a few reasons the lunar cycle is important, especially when it comes to full moon journaling.

It’s a visual reminder — Just lookup

The moon is our universal timekeeper. It repeats the same pattern every 29.5 days and has done so since time immemorial. Just look up and you will know where you are in the cycle.

Time for illumination, refection & insight

The full moon is a time of awareness and illumination. Just as the full moon lights the night sky, it provides us with a different light to view the world.

Our Biology responds to the full moon

The phases of the moon also have a direct impact on the physical world. There is no coincidence the human menstruation cycle is the same duration as the lunar cycle.

Of all of the phases of the moon, the full moon is the brightest, most illuminating and the most insightful time for journaling.

How to Full Moon Journal:

On the evening of the full moon, gather your thoughts in a quiet place, preferably closer to or in nature. Pay attention to the interactions of the day and your internal thoughts. Start by asking yourself “Why am I thinking this?”

This is an emotional period of time for many. It’s a period of flux, upheaval, emotional transition and overall change. For many healthy women, the full moon is also our own internal timekeeper for our own cycle. It’s during this time our emotions are open and often raw.

The Steps:

Make sure you are in a clear view of the moon, preferably outside. Ensure it is quiet and you are relaxed. This is a fluid process. There are many variations and ways to do this. It’s really about finding the method which best suits your own personal style and taste.

Unlike traditional journaling, full moon journaling is about focusing on Your internal experiences, reactions, and perceptions of the world during a very specific time of the month; on the full moon. It’s an opportunity to track one’s own movement and progress through life during this very specific lunar event.

Start Full Moon Journaling Today:

There is no better time to start journaling than the next full moon. Get email notified of the next full moon, get your journal ready and take a few minutes for some well deserved full moon journaling.

Isn’t it time to get back in tune with nature and our natural rhythms?

Life is a path we only take once. Keep your full moon journal for prosperity. To record your own life journey and learnings along the way, refer back to your own journal as you progress through life to see where you have come from and the challenges you have overcome.

Get Your Own Copy:

Moon Journal

Full Moon Journal

Includes full moons, new moons, yearly equinoxes and entertaining moon quotes for 2020. For more details, Visit: Full Moon Journal

Done regularly, this practice can change everything in your life for the better. We are the biggest obstacle in our own lives. The act of full moon journaling builds on self-awareness and helps you to be the person you want to be. This regular monthly practice will help you to realign yourself within the greater world in which we live.

Full moon journaling will help you delve into your inner self and uncover your own stumbling blocks. It will help you navigate life and become the author you have always wanted to be. It will allow you to be more purposeful and intentional with what you seek in life.

When it comes to full moon journaling, you are not just the author of your journal, you are the author of your life!

Happy Full Moon Journaling

