Chakra Cleansing: How to Clear Your Chakras & Free Your Energy

Santosh Ghimire
8 min readJun 8, 2023


Clearing and cleansing your chakras is a vital practice for maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each seven chakras is associated with specific organs and systems within the body, serving as energy centers that influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When these chakras become blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to physical and emotional symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, and pain.

To clear and cleanse your chakra, start by focusing on your breath and visualizing each chakra as a spinning wheel of energy. Use your intention to release any negative energy or disruptions that may be present. It’s important to note that this is an ongoing practice, and regular maintenance of your chakras can have a profound impact on your overall health and well-being.


Why Is Chakra Cleansing Important?

chakra cleansing

Chakra cleansing is an important aspect of overall physical and emotional well-being. The chakras are energy centers within the body and there are seven main chakras that correlate with different areas of the body and emotions. When these energy centers become blocked or stagnant, it can lead to physical and emotional imbalances. Clearing and balancing them can support the release of stagnant energy and facilitate healing. There are several ways to cleanse the chakras, such as through meditation, yoga, sound healing, and energy work. Not only do these practices promote balance and harmony within the body, but they can also help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Additionally, they can improve overall energy flow and increase feelings of vitality and clarity. When they are cleansed and balanced, individuals may experience greater creativity, intuition, and a stronger connection to their spiritual selves. Overall, taking the time to regularly cleanse and balance them helps to improve physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

How Can You Cleanse, Unblock, or Balance Chakras?

A. Chakra Cleansing Meditation

chakra cleansing meditation

Chakra meditation is a powerful practice that allows you to focus your awareness on each chakra, promoting healing and balance. Here’s a step-by-step meditation process to help clear and align your chakra:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing yourself to enter a state of relaxation.
  3. Begin with the Root Chakra. Visualize vibrant red energy at the base of your spine. Envision this energy spinning clockwise, clearing any imbalances or stagnant energy. Feel a sense of stability and grounding.
  4. Move your attention to the Sacral Chakra, located in the lower abdomen. Picture a warm, orange energy swirling in this area. Imagine it cleansing and releasing any emotional or creative blocks, allowing your passions to flow freely.
  5. Shift your focus to the Solar Plexus Chakra, above the navel. Visualize bright yellow energy spinning and radiating warmth. Feel your personal power and confidence growing as any self-doubt or limitations are dissolved.
  6. Proceed to the Heart Chakra in the center of your chest. Envision a soothing green light filling this area, radiating love and compassion. Allow any past hurts or resentments to dissolve, fostering a sense of forgiveness and emotional healing.
  7. Move up to the Throat Chakra. Picture a calming blue energy swirling at the base of your throat. Visualize it clearing any blocks to your self-expression, enabling you to communicate your truth with ease and clarity.
  8. Shift your attention to the Third Eye Chakra, located between your eyebrows. Imagine an indigo light expanding and opening your inner vision. Feel a deep connection to your intuition and inner wisdom as any illusions or limitations fade away.
  9. Finally, focus on the Crown Chakra at the top of your head. Visualize a luminous violet or white energy radiating from this area, connecting you to higher states of consciousness and divine wisdom.
  10. Take a moment to imagine a state where all your inner energy is aligned, harmonized, and filled with vitality. Feel the fluid movement of this energy throughout your entire being, fostering a sense of holistic well-being and balance.

Enhance the effectiveness of your meditation by incorporating this technique. For example, you can visualize each chakra as a blossoming flower, a spinning wheel of light, or a glowing orb of energy. Trust your intuition and visualize what resonates with you personally. You can imagine every chakra as either a blooming flower, a revolving luminescent wheel, or an incandescent sphere of power. Follow your instinct and employ any visualizations that feel connected and meaningful to you.

B. Sound Therapy:

singing bowl
Tuning Forks

Sound plays a crucial role in chakra healing, as different frequencies and vibrations can help clear blockages and restore balance. Explore the following sound therapy techniques to enhance your chakra healing journey:

  1. Chanting: Tap into higher consciousness by utilizing specific chakra mantras or seed sounds to awaken and purify each energy center. For instance, the Root Chakra can be activated with the powerful mantra “Lam,” while the Sacral Chakra resonates with the mantra “Vam,” and so forth. Chant these sacred sounds either audibly or within the depths of your being, allowing their vibrations to permeate and resonate with the essence of each chakra. Embrace the transformative potential of these mantras to elevate your spiritual awareness and harmonize your energetic system.
  2. Singing Bowls: Utilize Tibetan or crystal singing bowls, played either by yourself or a practitioner. The vibrations produced by the bowls can help clear and harmonize the energy of your subtle energy points within the body. Gently strike or play the bowls, focusing on each chakra as the sound washes over you.
  3. Tuning Forks: Use tuning forks tuned to specific frequencies associated with each chakra. Activate the fork and hold it near the corresponding chakra, allowing the sound and vibrations to facilitate balance and alignment.

Experiment with different sound therapy techniques and discover which resonates most with you. Incorporating these practices regularly can support the clearing and balancing of your energy points.

C. Energy Healing Practices:

crystal healing

In addition to meditation and sound therapy, various energy healing modalities can aid in chakra clearing and balancing. Consider exploring the following practices:

  1. Reiki: Seek out a certified Reiki practitioner who can channel healing energy to help remove blockages and restore chakra alignment. Reiki can be a gentle and effective way to promote energetic harmony.
  2. Acupuncture: Consult with a trained acupuncturist who can stimulate specific points along the meridians, promoting the movement of energy and addressing chakra imbalances. Acupuncture can help remove energetic disruptions or imbalances and enhance overall well-being.
  3. Crystal Healing: Work with crystals that correspond to each chakra. Place the appropriate crystals on or near the associated chakra during meditation or wear them as jewelry throughout the day. Crystals can help amplify and balance the energy of the chakras.

When engaging in energy healing practices, it’s crucial to seek guidance from trained professionals who can provide proper care and support.

D. Physical Activities and Exercise:


Physical activities and exercises that focus on movement and breath can help activate and balance the chakra. Consider the following practices:

  1. Yoga: Incorporate yoga poses that target specific chakras. For example, the Tree Pose can help ground and activate the Root Chakra, while the Camel Pose can open and stimulate the Heart Chakra. Explore various yoga sequences designed to balance them.
  2. Tai Chi: Engage in the flowing movements of Tai Chi, which promote the circulation of energy throughout the body. This gentle practice can help clear disruptions and restore chakra equilibrium.
  3. Dance: Freely express yourself through dance, allowing your body to move intuitively. Dancing stimulates the circulation of energy within your body, releasing any stagnant or blocked energy and promoting a sense of overall well-being

Recognize the profound connection between mind and body as you engage in physical activities. By combining movement with intention, you can enhance the flow of energy and support the clearing and balancing of your chakra.

E.Essential oils:

Essential oils can be used as a powerful tool for clearing and cleansing them. Each chakra is associated with specific essential oils that can support energetic healing. You can apply diluted oils to the corresponding chakra areas, diffuse them, or add them to a warm bath. Incorporating essential oils into your chakra healing practices enhances the overall experience and promotes balance and well-being.


Clearing and cleansing the chakra is a powerful way to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual health. By understanding the different chakra in the body and using techniques to clear and balance them, we can improve our overall well-being. Incorporating these practices into our daily routine can lead to a more balanced and peaceful life. Purifying and purging energy can be a potent method of enhancing our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. By comprehending the distinct chakra within our body and employing methods to purify and maintain equilibrium, we can heighten our general well-being. Embedding these customs into our daily practice can result in a more harmonious and tranquil existence. To enhance our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness, it is potent to purify and rejuvenate our chakra. By comprehending the distinct energy present in our body and employing methods to harmonize and cleanse them, we can enhance our overall health. Integrating such strategies into our everyday regimen can result in a more harmonious and tranquil existence.



Santosh Ghimire

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