Switching up my stack: Django, MongoDB, GraphQl, React Native.

13 min readJun 3, 2020

Greetings developers, COVID-19 has granted many of us with a lot of time on our hands. With this time I have been working on a personal project using my standard weapon of choice Node JS, I, however, have been looking for something that would stretch me out of my comfort zone. So I have decided to look into converting my current stack from Express JS and Nuxt JS to Django and React Native. Within this series of articles, I will show you how I utilised different technologies to mimic my current project.

Why am I using Django?

My first reason for Django would simply be how rapidly you can your project into production with the ability to still write DRY and scalable code, even self-proclaiming themselves as “The Web Framework for perfectionists with a deadline”. My other reason would be that Django is well maintained and established, this allows for a big community for help, resources, and the bonus of frequent security patches.

Why am I using React Native?

I decided to go with React Native mainly down to the fact that from me to produce a web, desktop, mobile, and tablet application I only need to build it once. React native allows you to publish across multiple platforms with pretty great performing applications.

