Love Letters

Oluwafunbi Akinsanya
2 min readMar 9, 2022


Letters Stack from iStock.

The concept of love is not new to me. Yet, in many ways, the understanding of love is still very elusive to me. I’ve learnt that love can be beautiful yet very painful to the soul. One lesson I have realised is that love is not forceful, but very gentle and patient. It will never go beyond the bounds you have set. It must be willingly and wholeheartedly accepted and welcomed. I wrote this poem, ‘Love Letters’, to encapsulate my struggles with love. I hope you enjoy;

Love Letters

To those who have loved me before,

I am sorry I could not receive your love,

For each time you called out to me,

Darling, Darling, Darling,

Let down your walls,

I clung tightly to the string,

Unwilling to let go.

Each time you called out,

Voices of many years past,

Unworthy and unfit,

Drown out your pleas.

I have steeled my heart,

Distrusting of your pleas of love,

Voices past have made me suspicious.

Darling, Darling, Darling,

Let down your walls,

I clung tightly to the string,

Unwilling to let go.

To those who love me,

Please be patient with me,

As I journey towards healing.

Please be kind to me,

When you call out, Darling,

Let down your walls,

I will loosen my grip

And let the walls crumble bit by bit.

Please be gentle with me,

My heart is bruised,

If I let you in,

Respect and honour this sacred space.

I am learning to trust fully.

This journey though arduous,

I bravely travel and leaving the past.

Darling, Darling, Darling,

Let down your walls,

I clung loosely to the string,

Allowing the walls to fall.

To those who I will love and those not yet here,

I hope I have learnt what it means to truly love,

I hope to be as patient, kind and gentle,

To you as you have been to me.

I hope to fully embrace you,

In a cocoon of love and acceptance,

May my legacy be a lineage of endless love.

Darling, Darling, Darling,

Let down your walls,

I no longer hold the string,

My walls have crumbled,

At last I have embraced love

And allowed it embrace me.



Oluwafunbi Akinsanya

♈️| Sharing thoughts and reflections as I journey through life