1 min readJul 11, 2017


Tell me Mike, What chance do you think you’d have of having your status read:

“Educator, CIO, retired entrepreneur, change agent, grandfather”

Educator — Was this by chance for a college? Say, a united states private college capable of paying you a salary where you earn more in a day than the vast vast majority of the worlds population will earn in an hour?

CIO — Oh, so you where a part owner in the means of production? How very marxist of you, Fight the capitalists indeed.

Entrepreneur — Oh, a (apparently) successful entrepreneur you say? I wonder how you managed to invest in those startups, some sort of, free market system where by.. you provided the capital and a startup took your capital and developed a business from it, what a quaint idea! What’s that? Oh They don’t have that in your socialist utopia? Dang that’s a shame.

Grandfather — Tell me, how many grandkids fill your days with joy? more than one? Oh no no, that can’t be, no we have a one child policy here in our communist utopia, gonna need you to sort that out thanks.

Seriously man, show some gratitude. I mean, your very banner is like a neon sign for the virtues of free markets, capitalism and representative democracy, show some sense.

