FundCru for Supporters

FundCru, Inc.
3 min readNov 21, 2017


As a person with reasonably good morals, you want to help out those who are in need. When it comes to things like online fundraisers, you give what you can, when you can. If it’s a platform like GoFundMe, you can read a story and decide whether or not to give money to the cause. Sometimes you might go a step further and pick and choose charities to support and make independent donations. And sometimes you even give a dollar (or your pocket change) to the cashiers at Walgreens and the grocery store when they do the drives for major charities, but those are more of a spur of the moment kind of decision. Either way, you like to help and are happy to give your money to people less fortunate than you, when it is easy to do so.

At the end of the day, the warm fuzzy feeling is all you really need, but with FundCru, you can have more than that. You probably use your money to go to restaurants, buy clothes, and see movies (among other necessities, of course). Our unique platform helps you do both simultaneously: save money on things you were already buying while supporting worthy causes. So, you can buy a discounted dinner, just like you would on Groupon, but when you purchase it, you donate to a cause of your choice, like you could on GoFundMe.

Here’s how it works: First, you choose your causes on the FundCru site. Once you’ve read the stories and decided where you want your money to go, it’s time to shop. Businesses offer all sorts of things on the site, from discounts to special items to services. Once you purchase what you want, you choose from one of the causes you’ve previously selected to get 25% of your money from the sale. You get your product, the business gets your money, and the cause gets a portion of the proceeds. You’ve bought something and donated money at the same time.

The FundCru platform also makes broadcasting your cause of choice easier than ever. With integration of all the major social media platforms, as well as our own communities, you can let others know when you’ve found something worth supporting and it’s easy for them to support it as well. This is essential to how causes will receive their funding, as word of mouth is the most powerful advertisement. The best part is, it’s customizable. You and your friends can support any number of businesses and causes — without being limited by specific causes a business is already supporting, such as how Walgreens may want your $1 donation to go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation — even if you no longer want to support them.

This works on every level. A fundraiser can be anything, from raising money for a local sports team uniforms to disaster relief. A business can be anything, from a nearby restaurant to a huge multinational corporation. All you have to be is yourself.

FundCru is able to maximize how the donated money gets used by taking a smaller cut than comparable services. You’ll never have to worry about the overhead taking up too much of your donation because the money goes directly to the business and the cause simultaneously. There are no logistics fees to pay, so FundCru isn’t breaking anyone’s wallet. And thanks to our blockchain model, we are 100% transparent in what money goes to which location. Everyone has a copy of every transaction, so every user can ensure their funds are being distributed how they wanted them to be. Our mission is to make supporting both businesses and causes as easy and synergistic as possible.

In the end, raising money doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. That warm and fuzzy feeling may be all you need, but wouldn’t it be nice to get something you want as well?



FundCru, Inc.

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