Issues With Traditional Fundraising

FundCru, Inc.
3 min readNov 21, 2017


I think everyone can agree that fundraising is great. Whether you’re saving the whales, conserving the forests, helping hungry children in developing nations, or trying to cure cancer, raising money for worthy causes is a great thing.

When it comes to donating our hard-earned money, people want to give it to an organization that is working toward something we believe in. This author annually donates to National MS Society, American Cancer Society, the Brooklyn Public Library, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Polar Bear International, Seabirds Organization, and more. But I am able to do that due to the relative ease of online donating and because I trust those organizations.

Also thanks to the internet and the ease by which we are able to research organizations, some people are finding that their favorite charities are less than scrupulous or that most of the donations are not going to the cause the donor wishes to support.

Traditional physical donations are starting to wane, as the world of online fundraising continues to grow. The limitations in traditional fundraisers are many, but the main one is simply that of convenience. With the ease of adding a “Donate!” button next to your Facebook status or simply shopping for your regular holiday gifts through instead of regular Amazon, people are finding it easier than ever to throw a couple dollars here and there at the causes they approve of.

Sometimes it can feel like the fancy galas and tele-a-thons are a relic of the past, and in some ways that may just be a good thing.

After all, if a charitable organization is paying tens of thousands of dollars in event rentals, vendors, services, and more, then one may wonder where exactly their money is going. Same idea as when you see 501(c) organizations with large new offices or stores, or hear about their CEOs making millions of dollars per year.

It can make you wonder where your money is really going.

With FundCru, we’ve solved all of these problems.

It is a blockchain-powered online platform that combines the convenience of online shopping and donating with the goods and services you actually want to buy (no stale $3 chocolate bars or giant rolls of wrapping paper!). We then level up your experience by giving you exclusive deals, discounts and coupons, courtesy of our business and retail partners, who are excited to be involved because we charge lower fees than other platforms.

Then we wrap it all up in a neat bow: YOU decide which charity gets funding from your purchase.

Maybe you want to support a national or international organization. Or maybe you want to support a brand new idea from a local entrepreneur. Or maybe you want to support your friend’s son’s soccer team, who need new uniforms.

With FundCru, you know you’re getting the product or services you want. But more importantly, you get to choose where your money is going. You can even select a different fundraiser with every purchase.

And unlike any other platform out there, if you don’t want to make a purchase or a monetary donation, you can share the fundraiser of your choice on your social media platform and FundCru ourselves will make a donation in your honor to that charity.

Save the world AND get exactly what you wanted? Sounds like innovation to me.



FundCru, Inc.

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