Why You as a Supporter Should Use FundCru

FundCru, Inc.
2 min readNov 10, 2017


We’ve talked about why merchants are loving our platform, since they get to lose out on less money with our lower fees, and get lower-cost customer acquisition and more importantly, retention.

We’ve talked about why fundraisers love our platform. They are loving that they can share their story and get support from anywhere in the world without having to individually ask for money and can use our real-time analytics to shape their stories to the most optimized.

Now let’s get to the heart and soul of any business.

Our supporters.

You can think of them as customers, clients, visitors, whatever you’d like. But to FundCru, they are supporters.

Why? Great question!

Well, first of all, everyone loves feeling good about themselves. When you do something nice for someone or do a good deed, when you donate money to a cause you feel passionate about or vote for your favorite candidate in an election, you feel good about yourself.

What about when you don’t have separate money set aside to make a donation but you still want to support a cause? Or if that cause is your local kid’s sports team who needs new uniforms?

We can help.

On FundCru, supporters have three ways that they can engage with and support their favorite small or large fundraising organizations and causes.

First, you can simply donate your money, including regular money, digital assets, and even cryptocurrencies. Have nowhere to spend that Bitcoin? Now you do. Don’t know what to do with those last couple of dollars on an old iTunes gift card? We’ll take it. Donate using almost any currency you can think of!

Second, you can purchase discounted goods and services for stuff you already wanted and planned to buy. Without paying anything extra, we will simply take 25% and donate it to a cause! Not just any cause, you get to select which one gets your donation. And unlike Amazon Smile, you can easily choose a different cause or charity each time you purchase something. Unlike GoFundMe, you’re getting the product or service in exchange for your money. Unlike Kickstarter, it’s not a funding campaign where you have to hope they get full funding and THEN still wait months for your item. Unlike Groupon, companies are excited to offer discounts because we charge so much less in fees.

Third and most interestingly, you can share the cause and FundCru on all of your social media platforms. Without buying anything. And if you do, FundCru will make a donation to a cause of your choice. Out of our own pockets. Because just because you don’t need any products right now or can’t spend the money today doesn’t mean the cause should go without. You still get to help and share, which will (hopefully!) be bringing in new supporters to our site.

Interested yet? Exactly.

Welcome to FundCru, where you can donate, buy, and share your way into feeling great about yourself, your purchase, the company, and the cause.



FundCru, Inc.

Check out our platform at go.fundcru.com! A brand new way to raise money, support local charities, & sell products! https://www.linkedin.com/company/fundcruinc