Why Your Business Should Partner with FundCru

FundCru, Inc.
3 min readNov 8, 2017


Up until now, we’ve been talking about the issues inherent with traditional fundraising and online coupon sites. Today we’ll finally be talking about how FundCru aims to solve those problems and outlining some of the benefits businesses/merchants can gain by partnering with FundCru.

As a platform, FundCru aims to serve three bases: causes, merchants, and customers, whom we call supporters. By allowing businesses to sell their products and offer discounts, supporters can have a portion of the sale go to any listed cause of their choice. This model changes the zero-sum game that defines current coupon and fundraising sites into something greater than the sum of its parts.

To start, the largest benefit that businesses will see before even signing on is that our fees are lower than most other sites. For example, Groupon charges a whopping 50% fee — on top of the incredibly steep discounts businesses are expected to offer! FundCru asks for a lower percentage and even with the lower percentages and fees we charge, FundCru is also donating a full 25% of the purchase to the cause you choose to support. This allows businesses to offer promotional items or services and discounts on their regular offerings without feeling as much of a pinch.

Yes, we are making less money off of sales than traditional coupon and deal sites. Ask us if we care. We are making it attractive to merchants to sell their wares, supporters to donate to causes while purchasing things they already need, and doing it at a lower cost to you — allowing your business to actually make money off of these sales, instead of losing, which often happens on sites like Groupon.

Our biggest draw for supporters is that money can be donated to causes when customers buy anything. This is very attractive to people who want to donate money to causes they care about, but often can’t justify putting money aside to do so or can’t afford separate donations. A business partnered with FundCru will get positive associations with customers who want a way to give to causes they believe in and you should not underestimate the value of a warm and fuzzy feeling when it is directly associated with your brand.

The FundCru platform also introduces people to new things which they may not have thought of before. For example, on FundCru, a restaurant could attract new customers by offering a special prix fixe meal and donating a percentage of the sale to a foundation providing meals to homeless veterans. And unlike other sites, the customers who purchase that price fixe deal will be able to feel good about the purchase and know that part of that money is going to a fantastic cause. Rather than seeing the discount as an indicator of low quality, the customer knows that the money saved will go to a cause they specifically support — because they picked it. This makes people more likely to return as customers, because the only thing sweeter than a good dessert is knowing you’ve done some good in the world.

FundCru provides a community for businesses to support causes as well. Offering goods or services as part of a fundraising drive will catch the eyes of customers using our platform. A dedicated event can cause business to come flowing in thanks to the increase in acquired and returning customers. And once again, it all goes to a good cause, because the business promotes it and the customers choose it.

If your company is able to build a dedicated community on our platform, there can be even more benefits. People are much more willing to spread the word that your business is good and give rave reviews because it helps others and they can feel good about themselves when purchasing from you. It’s a far cry from offering massive discounts without seeing any retention or recurring profits. People don’t boast about the cheap deal they got, but they do brag when they have an opportunity to contribute.

Ultimately, FundCru can benefit partnered businesses in a number of ways. Thanks to the support and giving aspects, customers associate the business with contributing to good causes. This allows them to see the goods and services they received as having a higher value, not a discounted one. Not only does the platform introduce new customers, but it helps retain existing ones. The community built around the platform helps people feel good about the businesses and causes they support. It’s a brand new kind of ecosystem for a new way of helping everyone.

FundCru allows people to feel good about themselves — and you — when buying your product or service.



FundCru, Inc.

Check out our platform at go.fundcru.com! A brand new way to raise money, support local charities, & sell products! https://www.linkedin.com/company/fundcruinc