Cryptocurrency pension funds — is it a new reality?

Fund Platform
2 min readNov 20, 2017

Nowadays both state and private pension funds of are in permanent search of additional sources of investments. And here comes crypto-community: it knows how to handle the problem. Investing a part of pension fund in digital currencies can become a real breakthrough in terms of increasing the capital. Now certain public figures bring up this matter, investigate it and place petitions.

According to experts, today the indexation of pension deposits and inflation rate don’t correspond each other at all. Another problem is that the period of pension’s payments is bigger now because of increase in number of senior citizens. Because of that it’s necessary to find new modern approaches to solve such important for society problems.

Traders and experts from cryptofunds and investment platforms can sort such questions and problems out. Fund Platform will be able to become such a reliable partner for the pension funds. Calculations have shown that on average the annual profit of the cryptocurrency pension fund will be by 3–5 times more than profit generated by traditional methods of increase of pension provident funds.

On Fund Platform investors will be able quickly and easily to find suitable trader, fund for the contribution or create their own cryptocurrency pension fund. The unique NEM technology on which Fund Platform is made expands the range of possible application of the resource.

Today the cryptocurrency pension funds are becoming a reality and Fund Platform is ready to help you with it.



Fund Platform

Fund Platform is a platform for building trade and investment crypto funds at the decentralized, convenient and secure service.