Fund Platform opened the first door to middle east

Fund Platform have the honour to visit #StepConference2018 On 27–28 of March in Dubai (UAE).

Fund Platform
2 min readApr 2, 2018

Although ICO starts on 3rd of April we are aware that project is already full of early bird clients. That is why our road-show also aimed to understand needs of customers. Our business development specialists worked so diligently to clear all the aspects.

We have visited Middle East because this region has traditionally been focused on the business from the real sector and on the trading products. Sometimes even on transactions in a cashless, barter form. Our platform is perhaps the only one in the world that provides such an opportunity for digital assets. It provides it already now, because only we have MVP and first real customers. We are talking about almost retail trading of different assets, and first of all, not hype crypto currencies, which are under the risk of regulation, and the closest to real assets backed digital commodities.

We also had the pleasure to meet Ajay Mankani to discuss how to digitalize assets and bring them to our platform.

During the first two trips to countries with real economy and real clients (India, Middle East), we realized that it is time to work out a daily plan “100 days after ICO”. For this work will be invited reputable international strategy consultancy of MBB caliber.

During this time there were many pleasant events and and magnificent business acquaintances.

Thank you for your sincere welcome, hope to see you again!



Fund Platform

Fund Platform is a platform for building trade and investment crypto funds at the decentralized, convenient and secure service.