Not Even Mine (NEM): when does the NEM-community get its own long-waited cryptofund?

Fund Platform
3 min readNov 9, 2017


Diving into the ICO world looks like reading “Divine comedy” by Dante. By the way, this reading should be not corner ways and not starting with the last page. So, have you read? Now ask yourself: what have you understood? If you haven’t got a marathon-reading training in all-day terms, as well as with cryptocurrency, that the answer will be “nothing”. However, when you start to perceive the sense of this stuff, “9 circles of crypto-hell” turn out to be a logical and even a genius system. That is why you can very quickly find an answer on the question: “how can we find this single project, which give us millions of dollars?”

The truth is that the receipt of an ICO success is simple: continuity of technology + know-how. The most successful project is that which can borrow from another a prospective technology and create on its base something original.

So, what is the project Fund Platform based on? Its fundament is NEM technology. If you know about NEM, so this will be enough for investing in Fund Platform. If not, here you go:

1. NEM is a key to all private and public database of Blockchain. In such a way that a monitor begin to turn the sad binary code into the beautiful picture, it is necessary to develop such a cable, which can create transmission channel between a monitor and a processor. The processor is Blockchain, NEM is that “transmission channel” making this transfer secure, fast and adapted to everything. How can you take an advantage of this? Your tokens, cryptocurrency or files, based on NEM will be “readable” by any platform and will be able to “travel” peacefully in digital system.

2. NEM is API-solutions for creating your own product. The API system provides you with universal semi-finished products, helping you to create your own tokens or cryptocurrencies on their base. In other words, it helps to bake pies for every taste without killing time and kitchen for their preparation.

3. NEM technologies will reduce time for transaction process. It means that agreements’ settlement, and transactions will be processed and certified much faster and cheaper now, than it was earlier.

4. NEM creates protected services, using the Multi Signature system. This system will secure your assets which are stored on multiwallets. That, at least, is much safer, than wearing a cash in a hip-pocket of trousers.

Imagine now what prospects are offered by the project in the sphere of investment and financial transactions which realizes its idea on the NEM’s base.

Fund Platform will become the universal service for communication between traders and investors and also the fast and reliable mechanism related to creation of your own cryptofunds. Now, really it might be possible to say, that NEM community literally will perceive all advantages of technologies of “a digital century”. Thanks to Fund Platform, money will confirm the sense of its existence again. They will go to where it is necessary, and exactly in such quantity to satisfy the golden rule of economy: “to achieve the maximum advantage with the minimum expenses”.



Fund Platform

Fund Platform is a platform for building trade and investment crypto funds at the decentralized, convenient and secure service.