A Look at Polygamy in Black America

The stars of ‘Seeking Sister Wife’ and other black polygamists on the realities of dating while married

Funlayo E. Wood, PhD
10 min readFeb 14, 2019
Dimitri Snowden stands with his current wife, Ashley, left, and potential sister wife, Vanessa Cobbs. Photo courtesy of TLC

In many ways, the Snowdens are a typical 2019 American family: They have a lovely home in the suburbs and three beautiful children. They’re spiritual, but not religious, well-traveled, and very much in love. Ashley’s a​ mom-​preneur who homeschools their children while consulting with clients about healthy lifestyles​​ and trying her hand at screenwriting among other pursuits. Dimitri’s an ontological architect who builds robots, drives race cars and trucks, and loves his wife and children more than anything in the world. He loves them so much, in fact, that he’d like another set just like them. Maybe even two more.

And she’s almost more excited about it than he is.

Sound strange? To most people, it probably does. But for the thousands of families in the United States who practice polygamy and other poly lifestyles, it’s not only considered normal, but many of them believe it’s the best way to go. They are willing to risk societal stigma, heartache, and even being arrested to live the way they feel they should.

Ashley and Dimitri are one such family. While they aren’t at risk for arrest because they have an alternate contract to legal…



Funlayo E. Wood, PhD

Harlem bred, Harvard PhD. Your favorite Scholar-Priestess of Africana religions and founder of Ase Ire and the ADRSA. AseIre.com, FunlayoPhD.com, @iyafunlayo