Funnychain basics

2 min readOct 30, 2018


Funnychain is a decentralized funny application paying your time spent on the platform and where you can invest on your favorite content.

So what does it mean? And how does it work?

Let’s take a look at our app here :

Funnychain is a funny content meme application. When creating an account, our first 100 users will receive for free 200 LOL Tokens to use freely within our platform.

On the top left side of the app, Funnychain has 2 main sections:

  • The Hot page

Our algorithm will select all the popular content and put them in this section. So this is “hot” content.

  • The Fresh page

Every new posts will be posted here.

First, everyone voting on the fresh page on our platform will get rewarded. Each time you like a content that goes to the hot page, you earn tokens. Each time you post a meme that goes to the hot page, you earn tokens and each time you’ll win an investment, you’ll earn tokens.

You won’t lose your time anymore by having fun!

Under each meme that someone post (maybe you? ;) ) people will be able to invest on it. By this we mean that you will be able to stake the tokens that you have on any content that you find funny. If the meme gets famous and goes to the hot page, your investment will receive interest that you can retrieve. Else if the meme does not become popular, it wasn’t a good placement :(

The Red number on the top right is the prize pool. This is kind of a bank where the tokens are stored.

  • But how will this token, cryptocurrency be worth anything?

You may read more about the financial ecosystem here :

As Facebook, Reddit etc are keeping all the advertisement money to themselves, we’ll be redistributing all of our ads profit to our users, to buy the token. Moreover, being on the blockchain, we’ll be fully transparent on any transactions happening with Funnychain.

  • Why Blockchain?

Other than being transparent, we provide data ownership. Any content created on funnychain will have an address and a hash link with IPFS. As this is more technical we’ll explain it in another article, but basically your content will be yours and cannot be replicated inside funnychain.

So these are the key ideas within Funnychain and we hope that you like it!

A fair, fun and open meme social network that pays you.

Any feedback is more than welcome at

You can check more with our Y Combinator Startup school profile link :

Or our website :

