Revolutionizing DeFi: RedStone’s Innovative Oracle Solutions

Андрей Ануфриев
5 min readMay 20, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi), access to accurate and timely data is crucial for the seamless operation of various protocols and smart contracts. Oracles serve as bridges between blockchain networks and the real world, providing essential data for smart contract execution. Among the leading providers of decentralized oracle solutions, RedStone Oracle stands out for its commitment to innovation and reliability.

Why Another Oracle System?

The need for RedStone arose from several shortcomings identified in existing Oracle solutions. One of the primary issues was the inefficient use of resources caused by the continuous on-chain data delivery, regardless of whether the data was actively being used or not. This not only increased costs but also made scaling difficult.

Moreover, the traditional monolithic architecture of existing Oracle systems posed significant scalability challenges. Adding new assets or reducing latency was cumbersome due to the rigid structure. Another critical aspect was the lack of consensus regarding trusted data sources and update conditions in existing protocols, making it challenging for protocols to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the data they relied on.

Furthermore, end-users often depended entirely on intermediaries to access Oracle data, creating a risk of service interruption if these intermediaries were compromised or unavailable.

The Unique Solutions Offered by RedStone

RedStone addresses these issues through a radically different approach to Oracle design, tailored to the needs of modern DeFi protocols. One of the key innovations introduced by RedStone is allowing data providers to avoid continuous on-chain data delivery, thereby reducing resource costs. Instead, end-users can independently deliver signed Oracle data on-chain, ensuring efficiency and flexibility.

RedStone leverages the decentralized Streamr network to deliver signed Oracle data directly to end-users, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of service disruption. Token incentives play a crucial role in motivating data providers to maintain data integrity and ensure continuous service. By rewarding providers for their contributions, RedStone fosters the creation of a reliable and trustworthy data ecosystem.

Additionally, RedStone uses the Arweave blockchain for cheap and permanent archival storage of Oracle data. This not only ensures data integrity but also holds data providers accountable for their contributions.

Advantages of RedStone

1. RedStone features a modular architecture that ensures data integrity from source to smart contracts, providing reliability and security.
2. The platform offers three distinct integration methods tailored to the specific needs of various protocols and applications.
3. RedStone provides data streams for over 1,000 assets, integrating information from approximately 50 different sources.
4. The platform is available on more than 20 blockchain networks, ensuring broad compatibility and accessibility.
5. Since March 2022, RedStone has supported DeltaPrime, one of the leading DeFi protocols, and has been operational on mainnets since January 2023. The platform’s code has undergone rigorous security audits by experts including ABDK, Peckshield, and L2Beat Co-Founder.
6. RedStone was a launch partner for DeltaPrime on the Avalanche network, providing data streams unavailable elsewhere. This partnership contributed to DeltaPrime’s rapid growth, making it one of the top three fastest-growing dApps according to DefiLama.

Key Partnerships and Collaborations

RedStone Oracle has forged strategic partnerships with several prominent DeFi protocols, facilitating the seamless integration of its oracle services. These collaborations have significantly enhanced the functionality and reliability of these platforms, paving the way for a more robust and secure DeFi ecosystem. Some of these partnerships include:

1. OpalDeFi: This Ethereum protocol enhances liquidity in the Balancer ecosystem through its innovative “Omnipools.” RedStone Oracle provides real-time price feeds for Opal’s Liquidity Staking Tokens (LSTs) and Liquidity Reward Tokens (LRTs), ensuring accurate asset valuation and enhancing overall efficiency and reliability.

2. Venus Protocol: A leading DeFi platform on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Venus Protocol integrates RedStone’s oracle solutions into its ResilientOracle module, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of price data alongside Chainlink, thus maintaining the platform’s stability and security.

3. Ethena Labs: Pioneering synthetic dollar protocols on the Ethereum blockchain, Ethena Labs uses RedStone Oracle to provide essential price feeds for its synthetic dollar protocol, ensuring accurate asset valuation and seamless operation of its globally accessible dollar-denominated savings instruments, known as “Internet Bonds.”

4. zkLinkNova: A groundbreaking Layer 3 rollup network, zkLinkNova enhances the scalability and efficiency of Ethereum-based DeFi applications. RedStone Oracle is the first to offer data on Layer 3 through its Core Model, providing reliable price feeds crucial for zkLinkNova’s operation.

5. Ironclad Finance: This decentralized liquidity market protocol relies on RedStone Oracle for accurate price feeds, supporting secure lending and borrowing operations on the platform through the Classic (Pull) model.

6. Ion Protocol: A lending platform for staked and restaked assets, Ion Protocol uses RedStone’s price feeds for a wide range of assets, including weETH, ezETH, and rsETH, to facilitate secure lending and borrowing operations.

7. Etherlink: An EVM-compatible optimistic rollup on the Tezos blockchain, Etherlink leverages RedStone Oracle’s price feeds to ensure accurate asset valuation and seamless execution of smart contracts and dApps, marking a significant milestone for DeFi on Tezos.

8. Ionic: This non-custodial money market protocol on the Mode Network relies on RedStone for essential price feeds, optimizing yield for its users by ensuring accurate asset valuation and secure lending and borrowing operations.

9. Dolomite: An advanced decentralized money market protocol and DEX, Dolomite integrates RedStone’s price feeds to accurately value a wide range of assets, facilitating secure lending and borrowing operations through its virtual liquidity system.

10. Arrakis: A trustless market-making infrastructure on Uniswap V3, Arrakis uses RedStone Oracle for apxETH price feeds, enabling users to set up permissionless vaults, providing liquidity and optimizing yield.

11. Juice: Built on the Blast_L2 blockchain, this Cross-Margin DeFi app utilizes RedStone Oracle’s traditional and advanced price feeds to optimize yield and point farming, enhancing user experience and maximizing returns.

12. Mode: A Modular DeFi Layer 2 building the Superchain alongside Optimism, Mode integrates RedStone Oracle for essential price feeds, ensuring accurate asset valuation and facilitating secure lending and borrowing operations.


These partnerships underscore RedStone Oracle’s commitment to driving innovation and efficiency in the DeFi ecosystem. By providing reliable price feeds and oracle solutions, RedStone Oracle enables DeFi protocols to operate securely and efficiently, unlocking new opportunities for financial inclusion and innovation. As the DeFi landscape continues to evolve, RedStone Oracle remains at the forefront of progress, shaping the future of decentralized finance with its advanced solutions and dedication to excellence.

